Story 5

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"Huh?" Obi stared at Zen with wide eyes. 

"Obi, I have a job for you," Zen repeated himself. "I want you to go to Lyrias where Shirayuki is."

Obi continued staring on in shock but realizing the expression on his face, he shut his gaping mouth and just looked at Zen with a questionable look in his eyes. But, his eyes seemed to have become much brighter and deep down inside, he hoped that he hadn't misheard Zen's words.

"Why the sudden proposal, Master?"

"It's because of your sudden change in mood!" Zen yelled.

"Now, now, Zen," Mitsuhide held him back and tried calming him down. "The same could be said of you."

Kiki nodded her head in agreement. 

Zen sighed in irritation as he looked back at Obi. "Though that was only one of my reasons, the other reason is that I want you to protect Shirayuki in times that I cannot."

"So you mean..." 

"Go to Lyrias for me," Zen smiled. "If it's you, then I'm sure that you can protect Shirayuki to your utmost ability. You have the skills to do that after all."

"Are you sure, Master?" Obi furrowed his eyebrows.

Zen laughed. "Don't think that I haven't recognized it, Obi. Even though I don't want to send you, I'm sending you. I know how you see Shirayuki but even so, I'm placing my trust in you. Will you go, Obi?"

Obi remained silent before looking at Zen straight in the eye. "If that's how Master sees me, then I kindly refuse to."

"What?" Zen exclaimed.

"I don't need you placing your trust in me nor do I want to," Obi said. "Master, it's true that I'm willing to sacrifice myself for Miss's sake but because of that, I'm willing to do anything to make her look my way. I plan on playing this game fair and square and I don't intend on you, Master, to hold back my reins."

"Obi..." Mitsuhide said.

"I like Miss," Obi declared with a soft smile. "And I'm sure that you know that well."

Zen widened his eyes in surprise, not once expecting for him to have actually confessed his feelings. Mitsuhide, too, was at a loss for words while Kiki remained stoic, already aware of Obi's feelings. Zen continued staring at Obi who remained silent, his golden orbs unwavering and clear. Deep down inside, he knew; he knew that Obi held affection for her. There were so many signs of it yet he refused to acknowledge it. The same went for Shirayuki. He was well-aware of her feelings; the feelings that weren't directed at him but at Obi. Zen clenched his fists but nevertheless, looked up at Obi, catching him by surprise.

"I know," Zen stated. 

Obi was surprised at his words.

"I know you hold feelings for Shirayuki," Zen said with ambivalence. "And that's the reason why I'm conflicting whether or not to let you go."

Obi narrowed his eyes and observed Zen's face, allowing him to go on. 

"But even so, I'm letting you go. After all, even if I said to you that you can't go, you're probably going to go to her, right?" 

Silence resounded in the room and they were all left silent. Zen stared at Obi, waiting for the dark-haired and cat-like eyed man to make a movement. Obi straightened himself, to which Zen jumped a little, and set those peculiar and queer orbs of his on Zen. A grin soon swept across his lips, his eyes holding a glimmer of light in them.

"You're exactly right, Master," Obi grinned. "Even if you were to stop me from going, I would still go to Miss's side. No matter what stands in my way."

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