Story 17

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It's been two days since Shirayuki arrived at the Kingdom of Edith and during that time, she had become the center of the topic as well as adoration. With her red-hair as well as the fact that she was Freya's daughter, the people were joyous at her return. Though she could reside within her own manor in the kingdom, she remained in Oz's manor due to the promise she held with him. Moreover, word got around that she was to be wedded to Oz.

"Shirayuki-sama, I think this ruby necklace will suit you," a maid smiled happily.

"No, this emerald one suits her better," another maid interjected.

"These heels will certainly match your burgundy dress well, Shirayuki-sama," one said, her eyes shining.

As the maids bickered amongst one another as to what suited her better, Shirayuki remained indifferent as she sat there on the grand white throne-like chair. She liked the maids for they all treated her well but, she just couldn't become friends with them. She was there with them but at the same time not. She just didn't belong here.

A knock sounded at the door and Shirayuki snapped out of her thoughts. The maids hurriedly shut themselves up and bowed at the person who had entered. Shirayuki stared at the mirror stand before her to see who had come in. One look at his hair color and she knew who it was. She faintly smiled, glad to see him back.

"Oz-sama," they greeted.

"You feeling all right, Shirayuki?" he came over to her, putting one arm on the armrest of her chair and the other around her.

"I'm fine, Oz," she said, her emerald green eyes meeting his through the mirror.

"Today we're going to visit Her Majesty. If you don't wish to go, I can tell her. You don't have to push yourself"

Shirayuki shook her head. "I'm going. As the head of one of the twelve aristocratic families, I should pay a visit to her. It would be rude not to do so."

Oz nodded his head in understanding. "Then shall we go?"

He reached his hand towards her but Shirayuki abstained from taking his hand. She rose from her seat and threw on a burgundy colored cape lined with thick white fur, exiting the room. The maids were sweating bullets, fearful of their Master's expression. However, Oz just looked down and smiled to himself before following Shirayuki. The two climbed into the carriage and sat opposite one another.

"How're you getting accustomed to things around here?" Oz asked. "Nobody's bullying you, right?"

Shirayuki chuckled. "You worry too much, Oz. I'm perfectly fine."

"There's nothing that you're missing?"

"Nope," she shook her head. "Besides, with such a fantastic botanical and herb garden, how could I ever be bored? Not to mention, the library is stacked full of books that I've never seen before."

Oz smiled, content. "As long as you're happy."

The two chatted happily with one another about what they were doing for the past few days and what they found enjoyable. Most of the stuff they talked about was related to medicine for that was the only field that the two were both well-versed in. Not one topic about Clarines was brought up for Shirayuki knew that bringing it up would only make him angry. She was the one that chose to leave with him, even if it was him that had started everything.

"We're nearing the castle," Oz pointed out.

Shirayuki shifted towards the window to take a peak of what the castle looked like. She widened her eyes in shock at the majestic sight that welcomed her. The castle was a pure white with golden flags streaming from the towers and a large golden banner bearing the emblem of Edith hanging from the castle wall. The castle was a towering sight and it bathed itself in the sunlight. The carriage approached the white gates with the kingdom's emblem pattered on it. The guards opened the gates, allowing the two powerful nobles in.

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