Story 14

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"Go...back...?" Shirayuki questioned, her eyes holding curiosity and fear. "What do you mean, Oz?"

"Let's go back to the Kingdom of Edith," he stared into her eyes. 

"I don't know what you're saying," Shirayuki took a step back.

"You know what I'm saying," Oz took her wrist and leaned in towards her. "The very kingdom that your mother was from. As well as your birth kingdom."

"Oz, let go," she glared at him. 

"Shirayuki, let's go back."

"What are you talking about, Oz? For this last minute, I have no idea what you've been saying. Besides, we can't leave now. We still have other patients in Sereg that need to be treated," she shook his hand off. "I'm not leaving yet."

"If it's regarding those other patients, I've already treated them."


"I treated them while you guys were all asleep," he answered. His eyes were soon filled with longing and desperation. "So Shirayuki, let's go back."

She widened her eyes at the man before her. He was Oz but at the same time not. All of a sudden, a burst of energy flew into her head as she locked eyes with Oz. His deep blue eyes seemed to be radiating and as she continued staring at him, she remembered what had happened as well as what he was talking about. The Kingdom of Edith was where her mother was from and there, Oz was one of the twelve main aristocrats that governed it. She was from one of them, too, and the promise the two made when they were children, she remembered it all so clearly. But even so, she knew what she wanted. 

"No," she defiantly said. "I won't go back with you, Oz."

Oz stared at her; there was no indication of a change in expression. The two just stared at one another, each unwavering and firm. Oz was the first one to break the silence with a chuckle to which Shirayuki just continued watching him. However, his expression turned serious once again.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that."

"Then why bother asking me?" 

"Why are you so insistent on staying here?" he returned with a question. "What's so good about this country? These people?"

She smiled. "Everything."

Now, it was Oz's turn to widen his eyes in surprise. He still didn't understand what made her want to stay in a place like this, surrounded by nothing but ordinary people. She deserved better and he would do anything to make her life the best. Yet, she was pleased with this life. He didn't believe it. He refused to believe it.

He sighed and combed back his bangs. "So you're saying that no matter what, you won't leave this place?" 

"That's right."

Her eyes were bright and resolute with no sign of hesitation to be found. No matter what happens, she was never going to leave her friends behind. Izana, Zen, Mitsuhide, Kiki, Garrack, Yatsufusa, Yuzuri, Suzu, Ryuu, and Obi...she was never going to leave them. She had decided, after all, to walk along her own path that would later connect with theirs. Oz wasn't going to take her away from here. 

"We'll see about that, Shirayuki," he held a hand to her chin and lifted her face up to his. "Sooner or later, you'll come to me."

Shirayuki remained standing and unnerved as Oz ruffled her hair softly and left. She turned around to see him walking back to his own room. Something about what he said bothered her and an unpleasant feeling was nagging her. She shook her head.

I shouldn't take his words to heart, she slapped herself.

Just as she was about to make her way to the canteen again, a voice popped up from behind her, causing her to jump in bewilderment.

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