Part 20 "Gimbap"

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For those who don't know what Gimbap(Kimbap) is, Take a look at the attached video!

I think the English spelling of '김밥' kinda varies a lot, but in the dictionary, it is stated as 'Gimbap' so I'm just going to go with that.


"Hey there, Sleepy Head. We're here."

"Ugh...No. Go away." I said, leaning my head on the side. Jack chuckled.

"Just open your eyes. You won't regret it."

I sighed and opened my eyes. I just really had a good nap. If my nights were this good.

All of my thoughts ran away when I saw the view. Even from in the car, the view was amazing. The sea was a clear baby blue color. The sun was up high, making the sea glitter.

"Woah." I breathed out.

"It'll look more amazing outside. Are you up for it?" Jack asked.

"Hell yes!" I fumbled with my seatbelt and ran outside. Jack's laughter was heard from behind me.

I ran to the fence and stared down at the sea. I just wanted to see it up close.

"Woah. Wait for me will you?" Jack said, holding a basket.

"This is just...awesome!" I said with a crazy grin on my face.

"I knew you would love it. There's a spot where we can eat near the sea." Jack said, holding his hand in front of me.

I stared at his hand and soon grabbed it. "What are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

Jack flashed me one of his dazzling smiles, leading the way while holding the basket in one hand, and my hand in another.

We soon reached the spot where Jack was talking about, which had a full view of the ocean while hiding from the wind.

Jack let go of my hand to spread a mat for our picnic, and I suddenly felt vacant. empty.

"It's chillier than I thought. Good thing that I brought a blanket." Jack said, grinning.

"Yeah." I replied, sitting next to him.

Jack spread the blanket over our legs and the warmth spread instantly.

"I've prepared something special for today." Jack said, opening the picnic basket.

"Hmm? What did you prepare?" I looked at Jack expectantly.

"It's another Korean food, and it's kind of a representative of picnic food there." Jack said, grinning.

I stared at the colorful food he was holding. "Oh wow. What is it?"

"It's Gimbap. Gim means Seaweed laver, and bap means rice." Jack explained.

"Seaweed?" I said, kind of reluctant. Mackeral I was willing to try. But seaweed?

"Don't worry. Kids go crazy over Gim. The salty flavor is kinda addicting. But the Gim I used in making this isn't as salty." Jack said, smiling.

"Okay..?" I inhaled deeply. Then again, when has Jack's food tasted bad?

"This is a regular Gimbap. Try it first." Jack said, holding the food right in front of me.

"Regular?" I asked, eyeing the food.

"Yeah. Kind of a basic of Gimbap." Jack said, still holding a piece of Gimbab.

I slowly opened my mouth and Jack put the food right in my mouth.

Jack was looking at me expectantly, and I just had to keep myself from pinching his cheeks. He looked like a little kid expecting to find a dollar under his pillow after the 'Toothfairy' had gone by.

"Well? How is it?" Jack asked.

"It's..Just so flavory. I get to taste a bit of this and that in one mouthful! Again, You blew my mind." I said, giving him the thumbs up.

"I prepared a bunch of different Gimbaps for you. I've got Cheese Gimbap over here, Bulgogi Gimbap over here..." Jack started to open various containers, clearly excited.

I laughed. "Are you sure we can eat all of this? There's a ton of food!"

Jack grinned. "Don't worry about the leftovers. I just want you to try everything."

I smiled. "If there happen to be any leftovers, I'm going to take it home. I could have something tasty in the morning for a change."

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