At the Jade Palace

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Po carried Tigress back to the Jade Palace. The rest of the group were still speechless after what happened. "We need to get, Master Shi Fu, fast." said Viper slithering faster. "Master! Master!" called out Viper turning in very direction to find Master Shi Fu. 

Then, Master Shi Fu came out of his room. "Yes, what is it?" He asked impatiently. He was just in the middle of his meditating and thought he made it clear to everyone to not disturb him when he was. 

Crane said, "We're so sorry for interrupting your meditation Master Shi Fu but umm...well, you see..." Mantis got impatient and constructed Crane's sentences for him, but in a harsher way. 

"Master, seriously! Do you not see Po carrying TIGRESS over there?! TIGRESS!!! Because it OBVIOUSLY looks like she's hurt and needing some help-Oh, what am I saying- A LOT of help right now!" 

Monkey tried to calm things down a bit and took over. "We were fighting Boulder, like you asked." 

Mantis snorted and murmured to Crane, "I can see why his name was BOULDER. He didn't look buff. He just looked over-sized." 

Crane just stared at him raising an eyebrow. "Are you seriously serious right now? Of all the times to talk about this. YOU were the one that got impatient in the first place!"

 "Oh, look who's talking now." Argued Mantis. 

Monkey ignored them and continued, "He was about to finish us when Tigress came in and rescued us! She did a power...thingy... whatever you call it. Tigress fired at him with like a huge ball of fire that sent him soaring away! But not before Boulder ALSO fired at her. After she fired at Boulder, she blacked-out. She looks badly injured. She also received a very deep cut in her stomach." 

"Let me see her." Said Master Shi Fu, pushing his way past the Furious five to where Po and Tigress were at.

 Master Shi Fu inspected Tigress closely. She looked in pain as well as completely exhausted. Master Shi Fu asked the cleaner to quickly get a doctor for Tigress. "I will inspect her again later when she is bandaged and cared for." Said Shi Fu. The doctor arrived as soon as Tigress was put in her bed. 

The doctor was none other than Shang Lope, a mysterious and ancient fox. He was a famous and knowledgeable medic all over China and was an old friend of Shi Fu's. It was a wonderful coincidence that Shang Lope was visiting their village to have the villagers receive their checkups. 

Shang Lope lifted Tigress' long-sleeved shirt slightly to where her wound started and swiftly cleaned and bandaged it. He said, "She will be unconscious for another three days, I'm afraid. I have no idea what she did but it seems to have taken a lot out of her. As for the wound, it should fully heal in a few weeks time. Her bandage needs to be renewed every day to prevent an infection happening."

 "Yes, we will make sure of that. Thank you for your help today, Shang Lope." Said Master Shi Fu, bowing his head slightly. "My pleasure old friend." Shang Lope replied.

After Shang Lope left, everyone finally had a chance to look around Tigress' room. She rarely let anyone in, almost never. Now they had the chance to finally see it. They were surprised to see a portrait of each one of them. It seemed like she really treasured all of them. There were paintbrushes in the corner of her room, joined by empty ink jars, which surprised them even more. It seemed like she had drawn them all herself. Each picture was well defined and had every little detail on them. "Wow." Said Po. "She really DREW all this?"

 "She is quite the artist if I may say so myself." Said Shi Fu. "Though she keeps her talent hidden from everyone."

 "Why?" Asked Viper. 

"She's Tigress. She does many things with hidden reasons she doesn't tell anyone. She's been secretive since young." Master Shi Fu replied.

 "That's pretty obvious to be honest." Said Crane.

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