The Unexplainable

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The rest of the Five came back half an hour later. When they went into Tigress' room to check up on her, Po excitedly told them that she was awake. Though he still felt uncomfortable around her now. The others hurried in, trying to be as quiet as possible to not startle Tigress. Viper gently shook Tigress awake from her light nap, using her tail. "Tigress, are you feeling better?" Monkey asked in a whispering voice.

 Tigress just rolled her eyes. "You guys act like I was dead or something. I'm fine now. Always was and always will be. But what happened? Po over there won't tell me anything." Her friends looked at each other. 

Mantis said, "I think we should wait for Master Shi Fu to tell you. Maybe you should lie down a little more, just to let you have a clearer mindset and everything." 

Tigress sighed and balled her paw into a fist. "What is it that everyone isn't telling me?" She tried to contain her anger. "And like I already told Po, I DON'T NEED ANYMORE REST!" She shouted out loud so that the others took a step back. 

"Look, just chill, Tigress." said Crane, daring to even talk to her now that she was in a wrathful state. "Just wait until Master Shi Fu gets back. He'll be back soon, OK?"

 Tigress reluctantly relaxed her tight fist and exhaled slowly. "Just leave me alone until then, OK?" said Tigress. 

Viper sighed. "Of course. Just call us if you need anything." Then they started walking out of her room for her to be left alone.

Master Shi Fu came back fifteen minutes later, but before he went to check in on Tigress, Po and the Five, now temporarily the Four, approached him. "Uhh Master?" Said Mantis. "Tigress is furious right now. It turns out that she doesn't know about all that Tiger Power thing and we're not sure if she even remembers doing it all. She gets that we're not telling her something and is totally getting heated up, so best better be careful. We've had a lot of experience with her being angry, and it is not pretty." 

Master Shi Fu sighed. "I had a feeling she'd catch on quickly. I guess all we can do is twist the story and hope she believes it."

 "Well, THAT'S going to be one hundred percent not possible!" Muttered Crane.

 Po said, "OK first, she's Tigress. Second, she's Tigress. And third, yeah, she's Tigress. Literally, nothing gets past her!"

 "Yeah." said Monkey. "Like the time we tried to prank her by putting a bucket of water over her bedroom door. She just opened the door really fast and actually caught the bucket of water before it spilled." 

Mantis said, "And the next moment, she poured the bucket on US! I thought we kept that prank secret pretty well."

 "Whether she'll believe us or not, we just have to try. "said Master Shi Fu. Master Shi Fu knocked firmly on Tigress' door to signal that he was coming in. When he did, Tigress' back was faced to him despite her injury. "Tigress?" he called out. "I have come to discuss some...matters with you." 

Tigress sighed and sat up, daring herself to glare at her mentor. "No matter what you say, I won't believe it. I know that you're planning to lie to me. Did you really think I couldn't hear your conversation outside? And most of all, what is 'Tiger Power'?"

 Everyone just looked at the ground, shifting uncomfortably, but Master Shi Fu just said, "I think it is best to save this for another day Tigress."

 "Well I'm tired of waiting! If I want answers, I want them now!" growled Tigress, getting ready for the consequences of her rudeness. 

Master Shi Fu just said sternly, "And if I say we discuss this matter another day, that means we will discuss this matter another day!" He motioned everyone including himself to leave. Before he closed the door, he said in a low voice, "It's for your own good Tigress. For all of us." Then he shut the door, leaving his shadow walking off, the last moving thing that Tigress saw for the rest of the day.   

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