Quality Time

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     While the rest of the Five and Po were going to the kitchen to have lunch, Po was going to make noodles while everyone was talking about their day. Po was almost done with the noodles when Viper piped up, "Hey. Where's Tigress?" 

Mantis replied, "Master Shifu wanted to talk to her. I saw him pull her aside after training." 

"What for?" Asked Po has he distributed bowls of noodles across the table. 

"Beats me." Said Crane. "I think it's probably to tell Tigress about the whole 'We found out a bit about your past' thing." 

Monkey said, "Well, if Shifu is telling the Tigress the truth, I hope she takes it well. It's a bad a idea to have a frustrated and angry Tigress roaming around." Mantis shuddered at a memory. "Like the time when Tigress beat us all up for nothing when we tried to talk to her, about eight years ago when she was fifteen. She even almost beat up Shifu."

 Po snapped his head up from his food driven by curiosity. "What? Why? What happened?" 

   Crane sighed and started. "During summer eight years ago, we were hoarding off bandits from raiding the village. Tigress beat them all up all up almost by herself. After that, we headed back to the training hall to train. A visitor was at the Jade Palace to supervise our skills when training. He was an old leopard master. I think it's safe to say that he wasn't really the type to praise people. After the five of us finished the obstacles, he gave some pretty negative feedback."  

  Viper continued for him. "The leopard master kept telling us about our agility, our speed and strength. But when he got to Tigress, he just laughed and asked Shifu if the 'little kitty' even knew kung fu! And he said that she looked a bit too 'soft' in nicer means. That wasn't even it, he said that she didn't seem to have much strength! Clearly, Master Shifu almost lost his temper. He said that Tigress was trying to be self-controlled since her strength was so strong that it could break the training equipment. But the next part got both Master Shifu and Tigress really heated up! The leopard master called Master Shifu a 'shortie'! And that he wishes the best of surviving to Tigress!" 

   Mantis shuddered again along with Monkey. Monkey said, "You really don't want to know what we had to go through after that. It lasted for almost three months! You know, the leopard master actually told us his name. But after that incident, we didn't bother remembering it!"

 Po said, "Oh wow. I mean what kind of master will call a fellow master a 'shortie'? You know what? This is getting me heated up. I bet Tigress and Shifu could beat that jerk in anything!" 

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed. 

Crane suddenly said after a moment of silence. "By the way, where are they? They should've been back by now."

 "Eh." Po shrugged. "I guess we can ask Tigress tomorrow. She's probably spending time with Shifu or something. I don't know." 

"I agree." Piped up Mantis. "Master Shifu has always seemed to feel bad about ignoring Tigress ever since the incident with Tai Lung."

 There was a moment of silence as everyone finished their food. "Well, it's getting late. We better go rest up before training tomorrow." Viper told everyone. They all nodded and went to their rooms.


  After both father and daughter had dinner and Ping's Noodle Shop, they went to play a few rounds of dominoes. Then they went back to the Jade Palace a while after. Shifu asked Tigress, "Well did you have a good time?" 

Tigress nodded. "Yes, I did. I appreciate that you offered to spend time with me, even though you could have been meditating. Thank you, Master." 

Shifu bent his head down in approval and said, "I know that I will never be able to fully heal the scars I have engraved in you, but I hope at least I can be a better father from now on." 

  They were both almost at the Palace when Tigress suddenly turned to look behind her. "What is it?" Master Shifu asked following her gaze. "The Bao Gu orphanage?" Shifu guessed. 

Tigress responded, "Not only that." At that moment, Shifu began to notice his student's ears were twitching. Then he began to hear it too. Leaves rustling and mutters from behind to bushes. The duo walked over slowly to take a closer look.

    Suddenly, a bunch of robbers jumped from out of the bushes. There were five of them and three had sacks over their shoulders. The sack made multiple muffled sounds which sounded almost like...children? Tigress realized that the robbers were kidnapping the children most likely from the orphanage to sell for money. 

Tigress growled and got into a battle stance and so did her mentor. They then started to fight, punching and kicking the unwanted kidnappers. The bad guys tried to fight back using their weapons, but miserably failed. 

The masters finally succeeded. Tigress opened the sacks as Shifu went to call the guards to put the robbers in Chorh Gom prison. There were about two to three children in each sack who came out immediately to cling onto Tigress for safety, since they recognized her as a trustworthy kung fu master. 

"Hey, it's OK." Tigress said gently to them as she tried to walk with them all back to their orphanage. "You're safe now. Those nasty meanies won't be after you anymore. They're getting what they deserve right this instant.' Tigress bent down to carry a four year old duck in her arms to sooth him.

   Tigress eventually made it back to the door of the Bao Gu orphanage with all the frightened children still clinging to her. Tigress knocked on the door and one of the pig caretakers opened it. The caretaker was surprised to see a kung fu master and former orphan in front of their door, who carried a bunch of young orphans clinging to her. 

She gasped at the sight of the frightened kids whom were supposed to be in bed. The pig caretaker beckoned Tigress with all the children to came inside, while calling more caretakers to calm the children down and put them to bed. When all the young orphans were headed to their room, the head caretaker who opened the door for Tigress asked her what in the world had happened. 

Tigress said, "There were kidnappers in the bushes, probably waiting for the right time to escape. Master Shifu and I had to fight them off because they already had some of the kids in sacks. They seemed to have  it timed at the right moment when the staff were sleeping. Luckily we were able to stop them and they are now on the way to Chorh Gom. They were possibly taking the children to sell."

 The caretaker said, "Oh, thank you ever so much! I don't know what we would've done if we lost any of those dear children!" Then, she frowned. "And I do apologize for the rough times that you've been through here. All of us are very sorry."

 "Apology accepted." Said Tigress with a small smile. "Well, I'd best be going. My master will be wondering where I've got to." Tigress then stood up and headed for the door. A few other caretakers and thanked her on her way out. 

Shifu was waiting for her by the exit. "Hopefully this place hasn't given you bad memories has it?" 

Tigress sighed. "I still bothers me, but I'm trying not to show it."

 "It's about time we get back. It's getting late and tomorrow I will be showing a new kung fu move. So best be well prepared." Master Shifu said.

"Yes, master." Tigress responded. So the two went back to the Jade Palace without anymore interruptions.

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