Waking Up

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Shi Fu said, "We will all take turns watching over her during the hours. Crane. How about you watch over her for now." 

"Yes Master." replied Crane, bowing his head and putting his wing and wing fist together. It was evening and the others went for dinner, someone would replace Crane after, so he could have his. The first day, probably only night, was just Crane and Monkey. 

The second day and night was Viper and Mantis and the third day and night, Master Shi Fu watched over Tigress for a short period of time, before he was called by the other masters to make sure that no other evil was headed their way. They made sure that Tigress' bandage was always a new and fresh one.

It was now Po's turn to look out for Tigress. Po seemed inexperienced and insecure when he was watching over people. Especially Tigress. He was always used to Tigress giving sarcastic comments whenever Po made a joke or overreacted. It was weird now seeing her just asleep, probably even still unconscious.

 Tigress was normally the one to look out for everybody else since she was the toughest. "Are you awake, Tigress? Are you even conscious?" Po said quietly to her. He was really worried about her and kept looking at her to see if she had opened her eyes yet.

She suddenly groaned and stirred slightly, which startled Po. He was really excited to see her gain some consciousness and wanted to get the others, but the rest of the Five were on a mission and Master Shi Fu was still with the other masters, so they weren't in the Jade Palace. 

Though, Po was afraid to leave Tigress alone if she woke up fully while he was getting the others. Tigress' eyes were still closed while she tried to get up, but she sucked in her breath as she felt the pain of the cut she received. 

Po quickly went stepped forward to lay her down again. "Easy, Tigress." He said softly, not wanting to startle her with sudden noise. "Come on, you're still injured. You need to lie down." Tigress opened her eyes slightly, though was not welcomed with sudden light like she was used to when she opened her eyes. Her curtains were closed so that the light in her room was dim.

She then opened her eyes fully. "What happened? Where are the others?" She mumbled still groggy from her long sleep.

 Po replied, "Shi Fu is discussing plans with the other masters and the rest of the Five are on a mission. So it's just you and me in the Palace today. Except for the cleaner, of course." 

"You didn't answer my FIRST question." Tigress said.

 'Man, she's sharp.' thought Po. "Well, it's hard to say. We'll explain to you when your in better shape. Right now you need to rest." 

 However, Tigress wouldn't back down. "I've slept and rested for what seems to be forever. It's probably been two to four days. I don't need anymore rest. And I'm in perfect shape, only just a feeling little bit less than usual. So tell me. Is it something YOU don't want me to hear, or something MASTER SHI FU doesn't want me to hear?" 

Po sucked in his lips and didn't say anything. Tigress started to get fed up and sat up straight on her bed. "No. Tigress. You need to rest." Po said firmly as he reached out to put lay her back down, but Tigress put up her paw to stop him.

 She gave him a glare. "I'll find out for myself just how much rest I need, thank you very much." She tried not the show the pain on her face when she felt the cut again. 

"Tigress-" Po started. 

"-No, Po. If you're not going to tell me what happened, I'll find out for myself." With that said, Tigress forced her legs off her bed and started to stand up.

Unfortunately, she DID still need rest as her legs were shaking slightly and she began to lose her balance. Po caught her before she fell down. Tigress' head banged into his chest, her eyes squeezed shut before realizing that she wasn't going to fall. Noticing who or what blocked her fall, she cleared her throat nervously. 

Po also seemed to look uncomfortable realizing that it somehow looked like he was hugging Tigress instead of breaking her fall. Tigress began to look up at Po. Coincidentally, Po began to look down at Tigress. 

They both flinched as their noses touched lightly. They just stared at each other, too embarrassed to say anything. After a while, they came back to their senses and broke off hastily.

Tigress quickly sat on her bed before she fell again. Po looked around nervously. He liked Tigress a lot, but that certain situation was more than uncomfortable. Tigress said, "Yeah, I think I'll go lie down again."

 Po said, "Yeah. I-I'll just be here if you need anything." Po backed away into a random corner, thinking back his thoughts. Tigress lay down on her bed again, still dazed after what had just happened. She tried to push her thoughts away and get to sleep again. She tried, but she couldn't help thinking about what happened earlier. 

Tigress admitted that she was somewhat attracted to Po, though she had never told anyone by means of her pride. So that made the 'experience' even more awkward. Tigress once again tried to fall asleep. She did. Eventually.

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