You've Got To Tell Her

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"Do you guys think I should check on Tigress?" Viper asked her friends as they got up from the breakfast table to head to the training hall. "I feel like I owe her an apology."

"Umm, OK." Crane agreed hesitantly. "Just be cautious. She might still be mad."

The snake nodded and made a beeline to her friend's bedroom. "Tigress?" She called out gently, before cracking the door open slightly to peek inside. To her surprise, she was not in there. Viper fully opened the door, only reveal an empty room. "Oh no, not again." She groaned, before making her way to the training hall.

Before her friends could make to the doors of the training hall, she slithered passed them. "Tigress!" She called out, swinging the doors open. The guys had confused looks on their faces and stood behind Viper.

Just as the snake had thought, the young tiger was training inside. She had immediately went straight for the hardcore equipment, not starting off with something a bit easier. 

Tigress did not hear her friend call her name so she kept on training. "Tigress!" Viper yelled again, entering the building. Tigress dodged a wooden warrior one last time before she stopped and looked at her friend.

She got off the training equipment and approached Viper. The snake sighed before saying, "Look, Tigress. I'm really sorry for making you feel weak. But I just want you to know that's it's not because I think little of you, it's because I worry." She looked her friend in the eye, waiting for a response.

"Well, I can't stay mad at you forever. I guess I was being a little protective of my status. So.. sorry." Tigress eventually said. The two friends smiled at each other, both already forgiven.

"So? Shall we get on with training?" Viper asked, making Tigress grin slightly.

"We've known each other for over ten years, so I'll consider that a trick question." The tiger looked over at the Dragon Warrior. "Since, Master Shifu isn't here, I'm guessing our lives depend on the Dragon Warrior?"

Po just chuckled nervously, keeping his hands together. "Hehe.. Umm..."

Tigress just smiled softly. "You'll do fine, Po." She then turned to the training equipment and called out, "Come on. Let's go." 


"OK, that's it!" Mantis exclaimed as the Furious Five climbed  painfully off the training equipment. "I'm don't even want to look at the training hall anymore! I swear, it will give me nightmares!"

Po laughed guiltily. "Sorry, guys. I guess I'm a little rusty on the teaching."

"Obviously." Tigress said, rubbing her sore hand. She then stated slyly, "I actually think your dads are better at teaching."

The Dragon Warrior placed his hand on his heart in a dramatic way, before suddenly asking, "Wait, which dad."

"Both." Tigress smirked.

Po was about to make a witty comeback (Or at least, was about to try), when the gong rang throughout the Jade Palace, stating that it was time fore lunch.

"Yes! Food!" The guys all yelled before racing out of the training hall and to the kitchen. Though, Viper held Po back before he could escape. 

Tigress just rolled her eyes at the boys' antics, but followed them to grab lunch, leaving the snake and the panda behind.

Before Po could complain to Viper, she interrupted him, "You've got to tell her, you know."

"What-what do you mean? Tell who, what?" Po asked as he shook his hand loose from Viper's grasp.

"You know what I'm talking about, Po." The snake said, looking her friend in the eye.

The Dragon Warrior just sighed and sat down on the wooden floor. "Yeah, OK. Fine. You got me... It's just.. how do I tell her? I wasn't even planning to."

Viper's eyes widened. "Why wouldn't you want to tell Tigress how you feel?"

"Because... Just look at her! I mean, she's a hardcore kung fu master made of steel!.. There's no point in telling her..." Po answered, looking down at his hands. "Why would she want someone like me anyway? If I told her -which I am so not- She'd probably kick my butt down the thousands of steps."

"Po," Viper started as she laid her tail over his hand in comforting way. "There's way more to Tigress that meets the eye. I admit, she can be a little blunt and insensitive, but she feels more emotions than you think. She just hides it... You know, telling her how you feel might not sound like such a wise decision, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it... Master Oogway once told me this; Sometimes wisdom and the heart do not always follow the same path..."

"Wow... You and Master Oogway are so wise..." Po said, eyes wide.

Viper laughed. "Just... tell her when you're ready."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks a lot, Viper." The panda said with a small smile on his face.

"Anytime." His friend responded. Then the two headed out of the training hall.



Hi guys! Sorry, I know this is a short chapter. There should be another one or two chapters before this story ends. BUT do not start mourning yet because I am planning.... A SEQUEL!

Yep, I know I mentioned this before, but here are a few new things I wanted to add. Firstly, actually spelling Shi Fu as Shifu. I've been spelling it wrong the first few chapters.

 I also wanted to include more moments with the other characters; Mr Ping, Li Shan, perhaps even Mei Mei, etc. Because this story was mostly centered around the Furious Five, the Dragon Warrior, Master Shifu and Master Oogway.

 I also feel that this book was a bit too straight forward with the story-line. I did try to make the plot expand more during the middle of it, but I feel like I really didn't explore the other grounds of Kung Fu Panda. The Panda Village, the Valley of Peace, etc.

I only put in Mr Ping's name like.. ONCE! And I personally think he plays a large role in the Kung Fu Panda franchise, so...

I haven't actually come up with a full plot for the second book, but hopefully it will be better. When I first started writing, I really wasn't an expert. I'm not exactly an expert now. But through the time that I've been writing this story, I've learned a few new things. 

I'd actually like to write a book called, 'Tips on how to Wattpad' Well, it would just be filled with things that I know. As I progress in English, I'll add new things to that book.

I know that this A/N doesn't really have the best English in the world, but I'll keep it that way. Only for the author's notes because, yeah, I just need a rest from making sure I don't use 'but' or 'and' at the beginning of a sentence.

Well, that's all for now guys. Love ya'll and see you later!

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