A Confusing Dream

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   When Tigress was asleep, she had a dream. 

{There were other tigers around her, which surprised her. The only tiger she ever knew was herself. Then unexpectedly, the tigers all bowed down to her. They started chanting "The next heir is here. The next heir is here." 

Tigress asked, "Heir to what? Who are you talking to?" The tigers didn't listen and they went on chanting. Then something caught Tigress' eye. She looked up and to her horror saw an image of a war, in which she stood in the middle of. The war looked like it was between good tigers and evil tigers. 

The good side had about a hundred different tigers, some looking royal. The evil side had about the same amount, with a few looking royal as well. They seemed to be having an even match. Then suddenly there was a loud sparkling sound and there was both a tiger of good and a tiger of bad pointing their hands at the opposite sides and fired. 

There was an explosion that happened as both fire balls collided. Then there was a sudden explosion, which almost swept Tigress off her feet. 

When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left. No tigers, no plants, just nothing. Suddenly, she saw the scene change. There were two figures going to a building. It looked like...an orphanage? She thought it looked familiar, then she realized that it was the orphanage that SHE was in. Why did her dream show her early home?

 Tigress watched as the two figures placed a little bundle on the doorstep. They knocked on the door and ran away. The front door opened and there was a caretaker in the opening. When she saw the bundle, she gasped. 

The caretaker breathed, "A tiger cub!" She looked scared and took a step back, but reluctantly carried the little tiger cub into the building. Then the image finally faded away.}

Tigress shot up after her dream had finished. She was breathing heavily and her fur tingled. She was even more confused than the night before. Why did she suddenly have a dream about her own species? 

She never really dreamed about anything. What was that move that caused everyone to just..pass away? Who were the two mysterious figures? Why did her dream show her orphanage? 

There were so many thoughts going through her mind that she got dizzy. She held her head and sighed.She reluctantly got up to have breakfast. 

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