A/N Celebrate!🎆

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Omagosh! Guys! This story just reached 1K!!! Isn't that amazing! (Well, it might be just  for me, but... eh)

I just want to say thank you for those people who supported me and gave me good advice. Thank you! 😆

Don't worry. This story won't end here. I'm not sure how many more chapters I'll create until I decide that should be the end, but I hope my stories will still entertain you guys in the future!

(Wow, first time I did an A/N)

Sorry if you really wanted another chapter and that this is one was really short. I just think that reaching 1K on a story is a huge achievement. I'll try to update as soon as possible.

Love you people!❤

(Oh yeah, I also edited the photo above myself)

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