Why did this have to happen...

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Tigress, now in her bedroom, was lying on her bed and sighed. Why did her master have to bring Tai Lung into this?

{~Shi Fu sighed. "Tigress, we've already been through this. You can't always hide things to yourself..."

Tigress replied, "I'm not hiding anything. I'm just simply not mentioning anything...Listen, Master. I don't want to have to talk about a matter having to do with these past few days."

Tigress noticed that after she said that, the others decided to let her and her master be so that they could discuss on the matter.

When Master Shi Fu heard the door close behind him, he said, "Tigress, I know it may not seem like I care, but I do. I want the best for you, and that's including not letting your entire purpose of life be turned upside down!" Tigress stiffened but kept her mouth shut as she heard what her master had to say. "Tai Lung turned evil, but I was too blinded to see it before it was too late. I'm not going to make the same mistake with you."

Tigress finally spoke, "Master, I'm not turning evil. Even if I was, I wouldn't want to talk about it...And, I would prefer it if you didn't bring my brother into this. He may have been evil, but he still had a good heart."

Shi Fu sighed. "Tigress, I'm not about to let you become another Tai Lung! He was evil! And even IF he had a good heart, he didn't have a good enough heart to do the right thing. I'm not about to let you become like him!-"

"I said, don't bring my brother into this!" Tigress almost yelled.

"He is NOT your brother!" Shi Fu told his student, trying to keep his temper and his student under control. "He never was and he never will be! Tai Lung was cold-hearted, emotionless, impatient and not to mention evil-"

"Can you just SHUT IT!?" Tigress demanded. Her master was silenced in shock. "Just... stop, OK? Stop." Tigress put her head in her paws, angry and upset. "I told you not bring my brother into this. What in this sentence do you not get? I don't care whether or not you're fine with me calling him my brother! And I don't care if you don't want me to be like him, but now, I'm not so sure I want to be like you!"

With that, Tigress stormed out of the training hall, avoiding the confused and shock looks she got from her teammates and headed to the barracks.~}


The warriors asked their master what had happened but he just said, "We just got into a sensitive topic, that's all." Though, the five masters knew that it would take much more than a 'that's all' to get Tigress so upset that it actually showed on her face. So they decided to check up on her and get some info as to what really happened.

Viper knocked on Tigress' door with her friends behind her, but the only response they got was a "Go away!"

"Come on, Tigress. It's us." Po called out. They heard her sigh and walk over to her door. She cracked it open slightly and looked out, with only half her face in view.

She told them, "Knock on someone else's door if you really can't help yourselves." Tigress then close the door again without saying another word.

"Well, that was totally worth our time." Mantis commented, sarcastically.

"Should we try again?" Crane asked.

Viper just sighed and shook her head. After they were out of earshot of the troubled tiger, the snake said, "Knowing Tigress, she won't answer a second time. Or if we REALLY start getting on her nerves, her anger level will rise. We've only seen her half way up her meter, and believe me, that was not a nice experience."

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