Chapter 10: Aelin

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for how long it's been but here's a pretty long one.

Aelin took a deep breath. She was standing directly outside the doors that lead into where all the high lords were waiting for her. A few members of her court were with her: Rowan, Aedion, and Dorian. She didn't want to appear too threatening or overwhelm anyone by bringing her entire court to this first introduction but she still wanted her court to appear powerful and unified in this strange land full of unknown players. She took one last breath and stepped forward, pushing the heavy gold doors inward in a grand gesture. You were always one for dramatic entrances, Rowan thought amusedly in her head. Aelin held back a snort, striding towards where she knew a chair was waiting; one of eight ringing a rather wide open area. She looked around at the varied expressions of the fae occupying the rest of the room, ranging from surprised to amused to full of contempt. She was surprised when she found a woman sitting among the high lords, she had assumed that all of the other courts had been just as sexist as Tamlin's and she had been dreading the smothering misogyny she feared she may face from the others.Her eyes halted their roving when they met the bright violet eyes staring at her from across the room. They belonged to a devastatingly attractive fae male with dark hair and a jawline that could cut diamond.

Rowan growled from behind Aelin. Not as handsome as you, you insufferable prick, Aelin shot back at Rowan, her face cracking into a small grin. Her gaze having never left the violet-eyed male in the back, she considered him. He was the only one who didn't appear in the least surprised by their arrival. As she took her seat, her court trailing behind her, she felt a slight pressure in her mind; it was almost unnoticeable, even to Aelin, and she almost didn't catch it. She immediately threw up a thick wall of flame around her mind and watched in amusement as those violet eyes widened slightly as the dark male was forced out of her mind. He had already seen some from before she kicked him out but Aelin hoped that it wasn't anything important. THIS, Aelin thought, will be fun, her small smile shifting into a razor-edged grin. Tamlin cleared his throat, clearly annoyed that Aelin had so easily drawn the attention away from him with her arrival. He began the formalities of beginning the meeting but he was distracted, his eyes repeatedly glancing over to where the sole female was sitting.

After a couple minutes of pointless introduction, Tamlin finally reached the true purpose of their meeting. "I have called you all here because Queen Aelin of Terrasen and her court have come to offer their aid to any court willing to accept it in the upcoming war with Hybern." All of the high lords stiffened at the mention of the conflict.

"How can they know about the war? I've never even heard of Terrasen! What if they're spies sent by Hybern to inform him of our actions and take us down from the inside?" a tall beefy man with red hair and russet eyes demanded. Beron, Aelin identified the contrary male. She had taken the time to learn the names of all the important people in Prythian.

"If we were spies, wouldn't purple-eyes over there have found out as soon as we entered the room and he performed a sweep of our minds?" Aelin drawled, her eyes drifting lazily back to the man sitting across the room in time to see the delighted surprise light up his eyes at the challenge.

The heads of everyone in the room, including the female sitting next to the male, Rhysand, high lord of the night court. "And what exactly did you discover?" Beron demanded of Rhysand.

" And," Rhysand paused, "they're here to help. They have never met the King of Hybern. In fact, they hadn't even known he existed until a little over a month ago."

"And why should we trust you? For all we know you could be conspiring together!" The continuing accusations were starting to annoy Aelin; she was here offering to HELP them for heaven's sake. She heaved a long sigh and, right as Rhysand opened his mouth to defend himself, snapped "why don't you all just listen to what I have to say and allow us to introduce ourselves and THEN you can decide whether or not to accept our offer." Aelin looked around the room, making eye contact with each one of the high lords, and lady. She could tell just by their eyes who would decide to give her court and her a chance. Rhysand, his court, and his mate Feyre, would stay. So would Tarquin and Tamlin, although Tamlin didn't really have much of a choice seeing as they were currently in the Spring Court. Helion, the high lord of the Day Court, would also stay; though Aelin wasn't sure if it was because he was interested in the combat support they could offer or if he was actually just interested in getting in her pants. He had been staring at her the whole time, the gold in his eyes glinting in the sunlight and matching her own. Aelin had to admit that he was very attractive. She could feel Rowan's amusement at her train of thought; maybe we can follow up with him later, expand our horizons, she thought suggestively and Rowan coughed in shock at the sudden turn in the conversation. I am always open for some horizon expanding he shot back and Aelin smirked. Turning her attention back to reading the expressions of the other high lords, she predicted that the rest of them-- Beron, Kallias, and Thesan--would not accept. Aelin was satisfied, four out of seven wasn't bad.

"I'll give you time to deliberate. It is evening now and the day is almost over. Those who are willing to accept my offer will still be here tomorrow morning for another meeting. Those who aren't, well, you get my point." And with one last smirk at the high lord of Night, Aelin stood and strode from the room, winking at Helion in the process. The heavy double doors closed behind her court with a bang and she smiled once more, wider that time. That had gone better than she expected, MUCH better.

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