Chapter 13: Aelin

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Aelin walked into the meeting room, her entrance far less dramatic this time. She looked around, surveying to see who had decided to give her court a chance. Tamlin was there of course, so was Rhysand, no surprise there. Helion was conversing casually with Rhysand, seemingly oblivious to their entrance but Aelin knew he had sensed her the minute she had stepped into the room. Tarquin had also stayed and Aelin felt a smug satisfaction in her ability to read these people she had just met the day before, many who had spent centuries learning to control their emotions; although Aelin didn't think Beron had ever learned to control much of anything. She hoped that it would end up being Rhysand that accepted their aid, Tamlin was possibly the most unbearably sexist person she'd ever met and the idea of spending any longer in the suffocating Spring Court made her want to choke on her own vomit. Aelin didn't know much about Tarquin but he didn't seem all that bad. After all, him and Kallias were the only other high lords that had even brought a woman with them to the meeting, though Rhysand was the only one to welcome a female to sit at the table with him, to have a high lady. Rhysand also seemed like a fun opponent; someone that Aelin would willingly engage in a battle of wits and wills with. He seemed like he would be a challenge, and Aelin LOVED a challenge. She had left all but Rowan behind that day, much to Aedion's chagrin. She hadn't wanted any potential allies being offended in some way by the words or actions of anyone in her court.

We could always go with Helion, Rowan pointed out conspiratorially, remembering Aelin's remark from the previous day. That we could, Aelin though back, but I can't help but think how awkward that could prove to be for the rest of the court and sometimes a ruler has to set aside her own desires-a snort from Rowan- for the good of the people. Aelin smiled at Rowan's grumbled "we're people too." She was still grinning like a fiend when Tarquin approached, making him the first to do so.

"Hello," Tarquin said, bowing slightly but respectfully as he reached Aelin, his clear blue eyes piercing as she nodded her head in return. "I appreciate your offer of aid and I realize what you must be sacrificing to leave your country to come help defend ours. I would trust you to aid in the defense of the Summer Court but at this current time help is not needed... or at least not THAT kind of help." Aelin nodded graciously, gritting her teeth in a smile. Tarquin returned her smile, turned, and walked back to his court before disappearing in a flash of dark light, winnowing, no doubt returning to their court.

Not THAT kind of help, what an arrogant prick. It's not like Aelin and her court were a bunch of hookers. They were here offering military aid, something that according to Chaol was deeply needed in Prythian. It was okay if he declined her offer but he didn't have to be so damn condescending about it. Rowan put a calming hand on her shoulder, at least he gave us the courtesy of declining in person. Now the only courts left were Spring, Day, and Night. What a bunch of close-minded fools. Aelin took a deep breath, struggling to regain her composure. She turned to face her two remaining options but as she turned she bumped into the approaching high lady. Aelin stumbled backwards, stunned for a moment and the other women did the same. Once they had both recovered sufficiently the high lady smiled.

"I'm Feyre, high lady of the Night Court."

"Well hello Feyre, you can call me Aelin." They each wore a sly grin. Aeln could already tell they would get along. She motioned for Rowan to back off and she stepped closer to Feyre, " Are you here to rescue me and my court from Tamlin's misogynistic narcissism? Cause I don't think I can take much more of it." Feyre burst out laughing, high and lovely, and Aelin cracked a smile. She glanced over at the rest of Feyre's court and saw them watching the pair curiously.

"As a matter of fact I have," Feyre said; her voice was still full of unfinished laughter.

"Thank goodness," Aelin said, relieved. "When can we leave this stifling hellhole they call a court?"

"We can leave tomorrow morning at the earliest."

Aelin groaned at the prospect of having to spend another whole day in the Spring Court and Feyre gave her a sympathetic look. "I completely understand how you feel. We'll meet you tomorrow morning outside the front doors of the manor," Feyre said brightly and Aelin nodded.

After Feyre left Aelin walked up to Helion to deliver the bad news. He had separated from Rhysand since Aelin had entered and was now watching her from an empty corner of the room; he had brought no entourage so he was completely alone.

"Well hello your majesty," he purred as Aelin approached and a tingle went down her spine.

"Hello Helion," she purred right back and his smile widened. "I'm sorry to say that we have decided to stay with the Night Court but of you as friendly with Rhysand as you appear to be than I'm sure he wouldn't mind you stopping by every once in a while; my mate and I definitely won't mind," Aelin, fading out into a seductive whisper. She grinned as Helion stiffened slightly and drawled, "I'll just have to arrange a visit then." Aelin gave him a sultry smile and turned around prowling confidently back over to where Rowan was waiting for her, not looking back to see Helion winnow away. As they left the room all Aelin could think was that she couldn't wait to get out of the Spring Court and start the adventure this venture was sure to become.  

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