Chapter 11: Feyre

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Hey guys, sorry it's been so long since I last updated. This chapter is pretty much just a filler and I'm sorry for that but during winter break I should be able to update a lot more. Enjoy!!

Rhysand was sitting on the edge of his and Feyre's bed, deep in thought. The rest of the inner circle was in various positions around the room, waiting for him to voice what was on his mind. Feyre felt a spike of sadness through the bond and she turned towards Rhys to ask him what was wrong but then he began to speak.

"The queen, Aelin Galathynius, before she put up her shield, I caught a glimpse of her mind including her purpose here and... a few other things." His eyes filled with a sad and contemplative look. Feyre grabbed his hand and squeezed it comfortingly.

"What did you see?" Mor asked impatiently. Feyre could tell that everyone-including herself- was hungry for the answer that question.

"They really are here to help," Rhysand paused, "and Aelin is carrying many heavy burdens that she hasn't shared with any members of her court yet. The silver-haired one, Rowan Whitehorn, just found out that they are mates and she's known it for quite a while. As far as I could tell he is not still angry at her for not telling him sooner but I don't think that he is ready to completely forget about the secrets that she kept from him yet." Rhysand and I shared a sad look; there had once been a time where he and I had been in the exact same position.

"There were only a few of the members of Aelin's court, the Queen and her mate included, that could shield against me so I did gain a little more information regarding this new court. The man with dark hair and blue eyes is King Dorian of Adarlan, one of the queen's many powerful allies. He has very strong magic that mainly manifests as ice. The last member of the group that was present earlier today is Aedion Ashryver Galathynius, Aelin's cousin." Which explains why they look so much alike Feyre thought. "He is her general and is half-fae, immortal and with heightened senses but he possesses no magical abilities other than those."

"Is that it?" Cassian asked with a wry grin.

"No but almost," Rhysand said with a retutrning grin. "There are six other members of Aelin's court that weren't present at the meeting earlier today. They all possess some sort of power or position in the court. A couple are species of fae that I have never encountered or even heard of before. And THAT is all I learned," Rhys finished with a flourish. "Oh and that Helion may be stopping by periodically while they are staying with us."

The rest of the court grinned at this and Mor said "well this should be an interesting next couple of days, at least Helion may now stop trying so hard for that threesome he's always wanted," and everyone nodded and chuckled in agreement before separating into their individual rooms, the impromptu meeting ending just as suddenly and informally as it began. Everyone wanted to get a full night of sleep to be prepared for the drama that was bound to ensue the next day. Feyre sighed and laid back, curling up next to Rhys, who began gently running his fingers through her hair, smiling absentmindedly, his mind lost in thoughts about what life was like before and right after Feyre found out that they were mates. He hoped for Aelin and her mate's sake that they ended up working out just like he and Feyre did.

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