Chapter 15: Aelin

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 When the darkness had so suddenly encompassed Aelin she had been startled, even more so when seconds later they appeared in an elegant palace on a snowy mountaintop. It was VERY different from the court they had just left behind.

Aelin scanned her surroundings as the rest of her court appeared in the room with her. Their faces were reflections of her own astonishment. Fenrys was especially shocked to discover others with a power similar to his own. Once everyone was gathered in what looked to be the main room of the castle they had traveled to, the High Lord cleared his throat, getting everyone's undivided attention.

"I know you all must feel as exhausted as you look; how about you all retire to your rooms to get some rest before we gather again for dinner?"

"That sounds perfect," Dorian interjected quickly before Aelin could fire out a retort to Rhysand's comment on their appearance. He struggled to contain his smirk as Aelin turned and glared at him yet one of the foreign court members clearly displayed no such restraint, smiling broadly. Aelin pointed her glare at the winged warrior, noting with curiosity the red stones embedded in his armor, and his smirk fell away. Aelin looked away when Rhysand directed them to the rooms they would be occupying during their stay. She grabbed Rowan's hand and dragged him towards one of the empty rooms.

She was bone tired and she knew she would need rest to withstand the maneuvering that went on in every court regardless of how innocent they claimed to be.

"We'll meet you all for dinner in a couple of hours. In the meantime you all should rest, it might be a long time before we have another chance as opportune as this. I took the liberty of transporting your possessions here, they have been deposited in your rooms," Rhysand murmured. Aelin nodded her thanks, plodded into her room, collapsed onto the bed, and fell instantly into a deep sleep.

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