[ Chapter 5 ]

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* don't play song yet *

Dante's pov

I woke up and felt someone playing with my hair. I look up and it was just Y/N.

" feeling better? " i asked.

" much better " she said and i sighed in relief.

" what happen last night? " she asked.

" wait, you don't remember? " i asked her in confused.

" no, i don't, or even how i get here " she said.

" not a single thing!? " i said in curious.

" i-i-i don't " she stuttered.

" ah, good you're awake! " one of the doctor said and came to check on Y/N.

" so miss Y/N, are you having trouble breathing right now? " he asked her and she shook her head.

" do you remember what happened last night? " he asked, she shook her head once more.

The doctor mumbled something to himslef and looking through the chart and tapping the pen on his chin.

" it looks like you have damaged one of your lungs while taking any hits from your father, and a part of your brain is seriously damaged, which means you'll still remember everything, but could forget easily " he informed us.

" is there anything you could do to the brain or lungs? " i asked standing up.

" i'm afraid not " he said.

" you will be able to go to school but in one condition, you'll have to keep that oxygen tube with you " he said.

" why can't you just make an inhaler " i asked.

" sir, this type of condition is very rare to us and the inhaler is hard to make, it could take us 6 to 7 months " he said.

" 6 to 7 months! " i said.

" if i have to wear the oxygen tube, means i have to bring this machine too? " she asked.

" no, we will give you the automatic one and the liquids so you can use it everywhere " he said.

" okay, but does that mean i can't run? " she asked.

" no, but you can jog " he said putting the pen in his right chest pocket.

" and if you're going to think about something do not think to hard or you will damage your brain more, and all your scars are going to heal in a few days " he said informing us.

" thank you, doctor " i said as he walk away.

" oh, and one more thing, when you're wearing the tube, you can wear it while taking a shower, but you can't swim or the water can damage the tube and it will none fuctioning " informed us and left.

" that was....okay, i guess? " i said turning my head to Y/N.

I heard a door open to Y/N's room and it's just the others. We've explain everything to them.

" maybe i can heal her? " Lucinda said.

" no " Y/N said.

" but Y/N don't you-- " Katelyn said but she cut her off.

" enough of this magic, it's like you've never used magic ever and became obssesed with it so just, stop! " she said and we all kept quiet. She took a deep breathe and try to relax.

" hey, we all brought you something " Travis said.

Aaron gave her a mushroom stew, Aph gave her a flower crown. Travis gave her a pumpkin keychain. Zane gave her a cupcake. Kawaii~Chan gave her chocolate cookies. Garroth gave her a corn soup. Vylad gave her a small note book. Lucinda gave her a healing potion. Laurance gave her and necklace.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now