[ Chapter 14 ]

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Y/N's pov.

~ Dream ~

I'm in Katelyn's house with the others still sleeping. I walk up to Gene to wake him up, i kept shaking him on his shoulder, but he won't wake up. I shake him a bit more aggressive, still no.

I held his hand, it was cold and it looked pale. I turn his head facing me and i felt a warm liquid on the palm of my hand, blood.

" Gene, Gene, no, please no! " i said putting his hand on my cheek as a tear fell down my cheek.

I turn to the others and they were laying down on top of a pool of blood.

" no " i whisper and cupping both of my hand covered with blood on my mouth.

" hahahahaha " i heard an evilish laugh behind me, i stood up and turn my head to him.

" dad, how did you find me? " i said backing up.

" silly girl, don't you remember? " he said with an evil smirk.

" remember what? " i asked curiously.

" i put a tracker on you " he said smiling evilly.

" what!? " i said backing up in fear.

" i put a chip in the back of your neck idiot " he said pulling out a gun, i held the back of my neck and felt a smooth straight surface on it, a scar.

I back up and tripped on Katelyn's legs and back up. He pulled the trigger as my back hit the wall. And he shoot.

~ Dream Ended ~

" NOOOO!! " i wake up screaming and put my hand on my chest with tears fell down both of my cheeks, breathing heavily.

" are you okay?, you were crying while sleeping " Gene said with the others looking at me in a worry face.

I hugged Gene immediately tightly and cry on his shoulder.

" what's got into you? " he asked curiously as we pull apart.

" ....my dad....kill you guys.... " i explain between sobbing.

" hey it's just a dream, it's not real " Katelyn said and sat beside me, they all hugged me.

" thanks, i really need that " i said.

" we all always be by your side " Garroth said and everybody nodded as i smiled.

" here let me help you " Lucinda said as she changed our clothes.

I giggled a bit and i purposely put my hand on the back of my head. I jist wanted to know if it's true, if he really did put a tracker on me, i have to get it out as fast as i can.

I put my hand behind my neck and felt the same way in my dream, smooth straight line, my body was sweating and panicking. Ein saw me and rush to the kitchen again.

" not again " Katelyn said as the other turned to her and to me.

They all started to panick as well. Gene tried to comfort me. Ein found the knife. I rolled up my sleeve, he didn't run the knife down my arm. He just slide it making it a cut and it already calm me down. Lucinda healed it.

" that was quick " i said.

" instead of making a long cut, i just made it short " he said, and wipe the blood with a handkerchief.

" so he did put a tracker on me, after school i have to get it out before he finds me again " i said as we all walk to school.

We went to school and the gate were close. Police cars were there, police man were flooding the area. One police man came towards us.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now