[ Chapter 18 ]

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*play song*

Y/N's pov.

~ 2 Weeks Later ~

" is this the house? " Travis asked.

" i think it is " i said confidently.

" well let's go " Gene said.

We enter the house, the inside looks beautiful, it's huge.

" the truck's here! " Katelyn shouted.

~ 3 Hours Later ~

I was unpacking the last box, i sat on the floor and opened it, there were pictures of me with mom and dad. It was the picture i took from the old house.

" i miss you guys " i mumbled and put the picture to my chest.

" you alright? " Gene came in.

" yeah " i said.

We went downstairs and Aph was writing something on a piece of paper. She gave us all one paper, there were numbers on the paper. She then went upstairs and back down.

" okay you guys go upstairs and there should be numbers on the door according to the paper you have " she said.

We all went upstairs and i entered my room. Gene entered my room too.

" your here too? " Gene asked.

We went outside and looks like everybody has a partner to their room. We look at Aphmau and gave her a 'really' face. She just giggled. We all look at each other and began to smirk. We look at Aph.

" oh no " she said.

" Get her! " Travis shouted.

We all chase her around the house. When i was running after her, i saw a black figure on the edge of the woods, just standing there, watching us, watching me.

" hey " Vylad put his hand on my shoulder.

" oh hey " i look at him and back outside, it's gone.

" Gotcha! " we heard Aaron said.

We went there and Aaron started tickling Aph.

" Zane " i called him.

" hmm " he hummed in respond.

" might wanna bring Kawaii~Chan upstairs " i smile.

He looked at Kawaii~Chan, her bangs were covering her eyes, a smile grew on her lips, Zane took her to their room. After that we heard a high pitch scream, then after 2 minutes she stopped.

" oh Kawaii~Chan " Katelyn said, we all just laughed.

" hey wanna go to the mall? " Cadenza asked.

" sure " we all said.

~ Time Skip ~

We're at the mall, i was just drinking my coffee, the others went to Macy's. I as not really interested to that shop. I'm at the book store looking through any books that I like.

" How To Tutorials " i read the title of the book.

I look in all the pages, one caught my eye.

" How To Forget Bad Memories" i read, i went to the cashier and pay the book and put it in my sling bag.

As i was exiting the shop someone grab my wrist. It was a guys, he looks drunk.

" hey baby, wanna be my girlfriend? " he flirts.

" sorry i have a boyfriend, now let go of me " i struggle to get out of his grip.

" so where is this boyfriend of yours? " he asked me.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now