[ Chapter 10 ]

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Aaron's pov

I invited the others for my sister, Melissa's birthday. They were already there, i was going to call Aph, Ein and Y/N, but Aph called me in time. I put it on speaker.

" hey Aph i was-- " i was about to invite her but i was cut off by Y/N.

" father what are you doing here? " she said, our eyes widened, Dante choked on his water.

" father weren't you in jail? " Ein said.

" i was, but i escaped with an easy trick of mine " the man explained.

" i see you're on a wheelchair and wearing an oxygen tube, means you have breathing problem " he said.

" how did you? " Y/N said.

I hung up trying think of a plan. Dante interuppted by yelling.

" Garroth, door!! " he yelled, Garroth just barge through the door and Dante went into his car and drove off.

We followed him, i called the cops, at Y/N's house we got out of the car and heard gunshots. Garroth then busted the door open, we saw Y/N on the floor with blood all over her. Ein was on the floor with an black eye, the was aiming the gun at him, I tackled the man and knock him against the wall unconcious.

" Y/N, no " Dante in tears, holding Y/N eys closed, not breathing, pale skin.

He put Y/N's head on his hand and the other arm around her.

" Lucinda, it's time, do it " he said in tears.

" but-- " she said.

" just do it! " he scold her.

Lucinda then begin to cast a spell, the bullet went out from her chest, she also healed Ein's injurries, i saw Aph behind the kitchen table. She was in tears, i hugged her and she burried her head into my shirt.

" guys she's awake! " Vylad said.

" uuugh " she groaned, she flickered her eyes a few times.

" Dante? " she said.

" i saw....mom " she said.

She looked at her bloddy clothes.

" you use magic didn't you " she said talking to Lucinda. in one tone voice.

" i have to or else-- " she said.

" i don't wanna here it anymore " Y/N said, and Lucinda remain silent.

" sister " Ein said out of the blue.

" what? " Laurance said.

" brother " Y/N said.

They then look at each other. Y/N and Ein hugged each other and cried.

" all along, i thought i was the only one left " Y/N said in tears.

" i thought i was the only one got abused " Ein said in tears.

" i'm confused " Dante said.

" i'll explain later " Aphmau said.

" we'll leave you two alone " Vylad said.

We went out and saw police cars outside, parking. One of the cops arrested Y/N's and Ein's father. We look at through the door to see Y/N and Ein hugging, some of us were in tears, even Zane.

" brother and sister united " Aph said as she leaned her head on my shoulder, i leaned on her head.

" EEEEEEKK!! " we heard a high pitch scream from behind us, Kawaii~Chan.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now