[ Chapter 7 ]

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Y/N's pov

" my name is Y/N " i said introducing myself.

" what about you? " i asked.

" Ein " he said.

" well nice meeting you " i said.

" you too, and sorry about just now " he apolagized again.

" it's fine " i reply.

After a few minutes of walking to the house i let him in my room.

" hey, can i ask you a question? " he asked me.

" sure " i said as i re-fill my oxygen liquid.

" why are you using the oxygen tube " he asked and my smile faded away.

" um, can you do me a favor of not to ask that question again, please " i said in a sad tone.

I then felt a grip around my body, Ein was hugging me, we then pull apart.

" thanks, i really needed that " i said and he just smiled.

" you can sleep on my bed if you want " i said.

" where are you going to sleep? " he asked.

" i'll just sleep at the rocking chair " i said.

" no, you'll sleep in your bed and i'll sleep on the rocking chair " he said.

" no it's fine i'll just-- " i said but got cut off by him pulling me on bed.

We both fell on the bed, our faces was close and super red, i can tell by the heat on my cheek.

" uh, s-sorry! " said as we got up.

" it's okay " i said and took off my oxygen tube.

" what are you doing? " he asked.

" huh?, oh, i'm changing to the mask oxygen for me to sleep " i answered him.

I then put the mask on my face and layed down on the bed. Ein put his bag on the floor. And layed next to me.

" i'll have to leave early " he said.

" why " i asked.

" my father will be lookimg for me " he said.

" well, why don't you just go to school with me " i said.

" but they'll still recognized me " he said.

" come with me " i said as i got up and change to my oxygen tube back.

" where are we going? " he asked.

" somewhere place you'd like " i said.

" what place would be open early in this morning? " he asked.

" you'll see " i said.

I gave him some clothes that my father gave me, it was actually a boys clothes so i never used it, he went into my bathroom and change, when he got out it fits him perfectly.

What the clothes look like :

What the clothes look like :

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Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now