[ Chapter 12 ]

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*play song*

Y/N's pov.

" nah-ah, you're not going to perform if you have stage fright " Laurance disagree me with the others.

" and not with a crazy person that is after you " Ein said.

" what? " Aaron asked.

" she got attacked again yesterday " Ein explained.

I felt someone tap my shoulder and turned, Travis?

" yes? " i asked him.

" mmm, what? " he said confused.

" you- nevermind " i said.

I turned back to Lucinda and earned a punch from, no one?

" Lucinda, what was that for? " Dante asked.

" it's not her " i said holding my nose.

" huh? " Zane said in confused.

I felt another tap on my shoulder again, i grabbed the hand and swung it to the door. There was something shining and it was revealing someone, Michi.

" Michi what are you here!? " Aaron asked in frustration.

" she told you she was going to get revenge for Y/N~Chan " she said getting up.

Lucinda cast a spell on her, suddenly a cage just teleported from nowhere and trap her in there.

" nya~! " she yelled.

" that should hold her " Lucinda said.

Michi then took out a bottle of potion and throw it at the bars, it didn't work.

" it's magic proof " Lucinda tell Michi as she cross her arm.

Lucinda did another spell and the cage teleport somewhere else with Michi.

" that should work, she won't be bothering us anymore " Lucinda said.

" now back to you " Aaron said and the others turn to me.

" guys, i'll get over it, it'll go away....soon " i said nervously.

~ Time Skip ~

" hey Y/N did you already practice? " Dante asked. I nodded.

" the song better not be desspressing " Garroth said, and i just smile for no reason.

" c'mon guys " Zane said.

We all went to the mall and ate lunch, Travis was flirting the whole time everytime a girl passes by, some of them slapped him in the face, we all laughed our heads off, and we then went home.

Aph just slept at the couch, Ein was sleeping on the floor near Aph, i took a picture and sent it to the others. It was kind of funny, Eli was sleeping on Aph's but and his tail was wiggling, while Ein's face was facing the floor and Aph's hand on his butt.

I laughed like a maniac in a hospital, i eventually stopped when i heard knocks on he door. I opened the door revealing Jeffrey.

" how did you get my adress? " i asked.

" oh, i saw you walked here " he answered.

" come on in "i said as i motioned my hand.

He entered the house as i closed the door behind him. He started to laugh silently while cupping his mouth, i was so confused then i relized that he was looking at Aph and Ein.

" i have the picture if you want? " i said as i borrow him my phone as he bluetooth it to his.

He scroll through my gallery for the picture, he then stops and just froze.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now