[ Chapter 11 ]

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* play song *

Y/N's pov

We both went home. I went in through the window and just sighed. I was about to flop myself on my bed but instead i only see Ein with a towel around his waist.

" AAAAAAAH!! " we both yelled.

" what is all of this noise--o-kay bye! " Sylvanna came in and got out immedietly.

" SYLVANNA!! " we both yelled.

I ran to the door to lock it, Ein got in the way and we crashed into each other, We both fell, he was on top of me, we both blushed and look away, i look away to the side and saw a towel.

" Ein " i said with my eyes widened and my face boiling.

" yeah " he said with a embaressed voice.

" look " i said and he look at what i was looking.

" AAAAH, DON'T LOOK DOWN!! " he yelled.

" WHY WOULD I!! " i yelled back.

" just, here, you roll to there, i roll on the other side " Ein said in a soothing calming voice, i just nodded really quickly.

I rolled on the to the side as he roll to the other side. I rolled and face palmed my face to the floor. He rush into the toilet and changed.

~ Minutes Later ~

" Ein, Y/N, Mija, dinners ready! " Sylvanna shouted from downstairs.

" ugh, this day could get any worse " i mumbled out loud.

" well more than that " Ein said as he close his book.

I just showered, and went downstairs. We all ate silently, after the akward silent, we finished and i just flop myself at my bed. Ein just jumped on his bed that Sylvanna bought him just now.

" hey, let's just forget about what happened just now " he said.

" agreed " i said looking at the ceiling.

" Ein " i said.

" yeah " he respond.

" have you ever wonder how it would feel if someone just tease about your mother " i asked him.

" no idea, well you did though " he said.

I just remain silent and play with Eli the cat for a few minutes while Ein continue to read his story book, i put Eli to sleep and turned of the light, we then dozed off.

~ Next Morning ~

I woke up with a headache and a soar throat. I just pull the covers up to my head when someone pulled it away, i suddenly shiver and felt coldness on my body.

" hey you okay? " Ein asked.

" ugh~, i'm fine " i said groaning.

He then pull the cover over me again, he showered and left the room, Aph then came in, she took the tempreature.

" 108, Y/N you're sick " she told me.

" what, noo~ i'm not sick " i said lying to myself.

" you have to stay home, you have a fever " she said.

" noo~ " i disagreed her.

I just got up and got into a the showered and changed.

" are you sure you're okay? "

" i'm fine~ " i said.

We walked to school, i sneezed more than 20 times. I just went to my locker and there was Ivy and her two other minions came. Ivy's been bullying me for a month already.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now