[ Chapter 17 ]

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*play song*

Y/N's pov.

I was driving, Vylad and Garroth were playing rock, paper, scissor. Gene just relax and fell asleep. Zane's been scrolling through his phone the whole time. When my phone rang, and woke up Gene which was kind of funny.

It was an unknown number but i answered it and a man with a low voice talked.

On the phone.

Y/N-italic Phone guy-Bold

" Hello? "

" is this miss Y/N? "

" yes this is her "

" are you the daughter of M/N " (mother's name)

" yes, is there something wrong? "

" i believe we have found your real mother alive and well " i stopped the car.

" um, i think you got the wrong number, sorry "

" I'm sorry but your mother is going to speak with you "

" hello? " a women answered

" hello and who is this? "

" Y/N it's me, your mother, i know what your father did to you and-- "

" I'm sorry but you have the wrong number "

" Y/N, sweetie, i know you think your father kill me but he didn't, it was a misunderstanding "

" i said you got the wrong number "

" Y/N it's really me, M/N, your mother, i know i should've come home, but i didn't "

" why? "

" because, because, because i was scared Y/N "

" of what? "

" i was scared to see you hurt and it was my biggest mistake ever, please forgive me "

" forgive you, i suffered for all those years because of you, where were you when i needed you, where were you when dad needed you, and were you when we needed you, and if you are my mother why didn't you bring me along, away from your crappy husband that had been abusing me for 5 years, and you didn't do all those thing for us, for me!! " a tear started to roll down my cheek and my voice started to crack.

" ma'am I'm sorry but time is up "

" *sigh* okay Y/N, if you really truly believe me, meet at mystreet 76, I'll be there "

She hung up, and i slam my phone down as more tear started to roll down my cheeks.

" what just happen? " Gene asked.

I just shut up and continue to drive. The others just kept quite. My mind had alot of questions, where were she?, why did she left?. But didn't i saw her when i was dead?. And what does he mean real mother?.

When i was about to turn the car, i saw a person standing there,it looked familiar, i started to startle and turn the car the other way until it twirl, the tyre screeching against the road and everything went black.

Gene's pov.

Y/N turn the car on the other way and it started to twirl, the tyre screeching against the road, we hit a tree.

" is everyone alright? " i asked.

" what happened!? " Garroth asked.

" i don't know " i said.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now