[ Chapter 6 ]

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* play song *

Y/N's pov

We were playing tag, i just sit and watch. I saw something on the corner of my eye. I turned and look, Gene.

He noticed me watching him, he quickly hides behind the wall.

" hey guys i'm going to the bathroom " i lied to them getting up.

" okay-- HEY! " Travis got distracted and got tagged by Garroth.

I laughed and went there i turned to the corner and Gene was there, with his eyes close. When he opened his eyes, his eyes widened and try to run away.

" wait! " i said as i grab his hand.

" i-i'm sorry " he said.

" what are you talking about? " i said in confuse.

He turn to me and i let go his hand. We walk even further in so the others wouldn't see us.

" i saw what Sasha did to you, are you alright? " he asked.

" i'm fine " i said.

He then put his hand on my right cheek as i smiled.

" i'll be okay " i said.

We've been talking for a few minutes about our life as we sat on the grassy ground.

" I dumped the cake on his face at his 12th birthday while he was sleeping! " Gene said and we laughed.

We sighed and got lost into each others eyes. We then leaned into each other and kissed passionatly. His hands on my neck my arms around his. As soon as we heard the others yelled my name we pulled away and got up.

" Thank you " i said.

" for what? " he asked lifting his right eyebrow and tilting his head to the right a bit.

" for being there for me " i said as i peck on his cheek.

" meet me at the park in the morning tomorrow " he said as he leaned his head on mine.

He then left and the others found me.

" Y/N where have you been, we've looking everywhere for you! " Katelyn said in a worry face.

" i was changing the liquid for my oxygen while i went to the bathroom " i lied as i walk pass them.

" c'mon class starts in 10 minutes " i said as they ran after me.

We went to class, our lesson was conducting. The teacher said we got nothing to do, so we just talk for the whole lesson. The bell rang and we all went to our locker as i heard arguement near my locker.

Aaron was fighting with Michi again.

" Nya~, c'mon Aaron~Kun be my boyfriend " Michi said whining and grabbing his arm.

" Michi no, how many times do i have to tell you, i don't love you! " Aaron said as he removed his arm from Michi's grip.

I just walk to my locker and try to ignore them. Then Aphmau came.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now