[ Chapter 9 ]

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Y/N's pov

It was a rough day, Dante just drop Aph, Ein and i at the house. I kind off depressed of what Michi just said, and i have to use a wheelchair for 4 month even to school.

Ein helped me to get to my room. Aph just went to her bed and slept. Ein slept on my rocking chair. I was laying on my bed trying to sleep. Minutes later i heard a knock on my window. I sat up on my bed and look at a the window. There was a black figure, it opened up the window and went in. I don't want to wake Ein up from his beauty sleep.

I look around to find anything sharp. I grabbed my phone and put on the flashlight to reveal who it is.

" hey, would you make the brightness dimmer! " he whined.

" Gene? " i said as i turned of my phone's flashlight.

" what are you doing here? " i whispered.

" i came to see you " he said.

" me, why? " i whispered asking

" cause what Michi did to you today was really-- " he said but i cut him off.

" Gene i told you, you don't have to worry about me " i said.

" how is that supposed to help? " he said sitting on my bedside.

" whatever, at least you're still alive " he said.

" yeah but i have to use a wheelchair for 4 month " i complained.

" 4 months! " he yelled while whispering.

" shhhhh!! " i whisper and put a finger on my lips.

" oh, sorry, just shocked " he said i just sighed.

" who's that? " he asked.

" oh, Ein i found him in the middle of the road " i explained.

" what was he doing there? " he asked.

" he ran away from his father that....abused him " i said looking down.

" hey " he said and hook my chin up.

" you'll get through this " he said.

" you're always there when i needed you " i said as i hugged him, he hugged back.

" always and forever " he whispered into my ear.

We pulled apart and just gaze into each other eyes.

" why are you wearing a tube instead of a mask " he asked.

" why? " i asked looking at him confused.

" because so i can do this " he said as he kiss me, i kissed back.

He put his right hand on the back of my neck and the other on the back of my head. I just sit there and do nothing except kiss back.

" what was that for? " i asked and smile.

" cause i love you " he said.

" is that the only answer you going for everytime i ask? " i asked him.

" yup " he said and we laughed a bit.

" well i gotta go " he said.

" bye " i said.

He peck a kiss on my cheek and went out the window. I watch him went out an wave at me, i waved back. After that i dozed off.

~ Next Morning ~

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now