[ Chapter 8 ]

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*play song*

Y/N's pov

Me, Ein and Kawaii~Chan had violin lesson together. It was okay i guess. The teacher ask me to play a song infront of the class. I walk infront and sat on a chair the teacher gave me. I started to play.

I didn't notice my eyes were close while i played it until i open it. Everyone gave an appalause. I went back to my seat, after the others play the violin, the teacher called Ein's name.

" alright student's, i forgot to tell you that we have a new student in our class, please come infront Ein " the teacher said.

Ein went to the front and introduce himself.

" hi my name's Ein and i like to play instrument, i like to play violin most of the time and play tamborine less of the time " he said.

" thank you Ein please have a seat " the teacher said.

" hey Y/N " Ein called me.

" mmm " i hummed in respond.

" how do you know to play instruments that quickly? " he asked.

" oh, my father used to taught me when i was 10 " i said as i lowered my head.

" hey -- " he said but got interuppted by the school bell ring for lunch break.

We went to our locker and i changed my oxygen tube, it was my last one before i get the others at home. I took off my tube and replace it, before i could someone took the liquid from my hand, i turned and there's no one other then, Michi.

" Michi give it back, that's my last one " i said as i held my hand out.

" oh really, here " she said as she gave it back but dropped it on purpose, it shattered into peices, the liquid spreaded everywhere.

" oopsies " she said.

" Michi! " Ein yelled, getting everyone's attention.

" what happened!? " Dante rush over.

" Michi dropped my last liquid oxygen! " i explain while i grin my teeth together.

" do you have any left at home!? " he asked panickly.

" yeah i do, but Aph's house is like 30 minutes away " i said.

" aww, Y/N~Chan is dying from-- " she said but got interuppted by recieving a slap from Aaron, the others was there.

" Aaron~Kun! " she yelled, holding her cheek.

" Never. Mess. With. My. Friends " he state with a low voice.

" g-guys " i said as i get a light headed and i fell back to my locker.

I slide down against my locker, my eyes started to get fuzzy, the sounds i'm hearing getting echo-y, the last voice i heard was Dante's.

Life Abuse | Book 1【Gene X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now