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"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to fix."

Trust isn't just something you can get in a second. You have to earn that trust. It's the most important thing in a relationship or a friendship.

But when that trust is broken then it's like a cracked mirror. Even if you fix the mirror you can still see the cracks.

Someday you'll realize that trust is more important than anything in the world. Once somebody betrays you, you can never have the same trust for them, ever. You always have that feeling inside you when you see them, you remember that little feeling of betrayal.

If someone you love can't confide in you then it's not because they hate you or don't like you, it's because they don't trust you yet so just give them time to build up their trust in you. Just don't go breaking it.

If someone does break your trust then think of it as a life lesson. At least you won't make the same mistake next time.

Sometimes it's better to trust the fewest people as possible. That way you won't get hurt as much.

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