I'm Back

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Hey guys! Yes I'm alive!!! I know, I'm surprised too. I want to apologise for not posting anything for like a million years but I'm back. It's all thanks to

A few weeks back I got a PM from someone where she asked me if she could use one of my chapters for school. The feeling I got was unexplainable. I just felt so.....I can't even find the right word for it. The fact that someone actually wanted to use my work because they thought it was great, made me want to carry on writing.

As you can all tell I haven't been writing for a while, a very long while. I just lost that passion that I had and seemed to have lost motivation and inspiration. I stopped doing the thing that I loved the most.

Recently, I've had to go through quite a difficult situation. I say recently but it's been going on for a while. I didn't know how to make myself feel happy again but now I know. I just had to go back to doing the things that I used to do such as reading and writing. I knew those were the things that would make me feel whole again but like I said, I just didn't have the motivation to get my laptop and start typing or get my notepad and start writing.

However, when this user PMed me, it reminded me of the reason why I started Inner Feelings in the first place. To connect with you all and to be of some help. There have been so many of you who have told me that you can relate to the things I write and that it's helped you.

So when she decided to use my chapter, it gave me that motivation to continue with Inner Feelings.

I know I've lost the majority of my readers and it'll take time to get them back but I'm working on it.

In other words, I'm back now after my long break and so expect to see more updates after this :)

(I just realised that my "long break" was a WHOLE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS! Jheez!!!! I'm really really really sorry!)

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