Admit That You Aren't Okay. Not Really.

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There will be a time in life where everything comes crashing down.

And everything just goes wrong.

So so wrong.

And you can't hold yourself together anymore.

After being on the verge of breaking for so long.

You just snap.

Whatever it was holding you together finally comes undone.

And you break.

Into a million pieces.

And you can't do anything to make the pain and the emotions away.

You don't know if you should scream.

Or if you should cry.

You don't know who to go to for help.

You're just alone.

You feel isolated.

And this is always constant.

It happens over and over again.

Until you get used to it.

You get so used to it that sooner or later you just become emotionless.

You feel no emotion at all.

You're just empty.

You're forced to fake a smile here and there to show that you are okay.

When really you aren't.

But you won't admit it.

You won't admit that you're broken.

You won't admit that you need help.

You have to understand that we all need help sometimes.

Don't be afraid.

Just ask for help.

And admit that you aren't okay.

Not really.

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