Chapter Eight

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Jade's POV


The door swung open and Ashton stood there.

"Ashton! You scared the daylights out of me!", I whined. Ashton chuckled.

"Hi.", he said and sat on the opposite sofa after closing the door.

"How did you get in?", I asked. He just waved keys in the air.

"You gave me keys to this house, remember? I just never used them before and the key got stuck.... then when I open it, I see you like two like that...", he said. I had completely forgotten I had given him a ke-shit. I hadn't realized I was still on Luke. We pulled away from each other and I blushed. I don't know why I liked being close to Luke... It just felt right, and normal.

"We got scared and thought someone was breaking in!", Luke said. Ashton laughed.

"Not funny.", I said.

"Yes, it is.", Ashton said.

"I have to admit, I thought it was pretty funny.", Luke agreed with Ashton. I glared at Ashton.

"Want to do something. What do yo. usually do during the weekend?", Luke asked.

"Well, I usually go out to places with friends and Jade. Or I stay home.", Ashton said.

"Where do you go?", Luke asked.

"Maybe we can go roller skating?", Ashton suggested. Ashton and I usually go to this one skating rink. There is food and an arcade as well.

"Yeah, that's really fun.", I added.

"Honestly, I don't know how to roller skate.", Luke admitted.

"We can teach you. It's really easy.", Ashton said.

"I guess I can try.", Luke said sighing.


We arrived at the skating rink and we were putting skates on that we had rented. Luke looked so nervous. Ashton and I looked at each other and we laughed.

"What?", Luke asked.

"You look so nervous!", I said.

"What if I fall? I can't embarrass myself!", Luke defended himself.

"Dude, relax.", Ashton said.

"Ready?", I asked. They both nodded and we got up from our seats.

"Woah!", Luke said almost falling. Ashton laughed. Luke glared at him.

"C'mon.", I said wrapping my arm around his.

"You can teach him, I don't feel like it.", Ashton said and skated away.

"Thanks!", I sarcastically yelled.

I slowly helped Luke walk towards the rink.

"Why don't we go near the bars?", I said glancing at the bars that are on the border of the rink.

"Yeah, that will be much better.", Luke chuckled. We slowly skated to the bars and he wobbled. We were slipping and I tried to keep him from falling, but he fell. I also fell since our arms were linked together. I fell on him and we looked into each others eyes.

His eyes are so beautiful. I also looked at his lips and his lip ring. We stared for a few seconds then I realized we were still on the ground. I got up and helped him up. He held onto the bars and scratched his neck awkwardly.

"Sorry.", I apologized. I slightly blushed.

"Why? I was the one who dragged you to the ground with me.", he chuckled.

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