Chapter Ninety-Three

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After a while of trying to convince the doctor to let me go home, he finally let me.

I felt really exhausted, and my stomach would throb, but not as painful.

"Fuck. I just realized tomorrow is the All Time Low concert," Michael said closing my bedroom door behind him.

"Sweet!" I grinned. It could take my mind off a few things like, my pain physically and emotionally. It still hurt that Jade and Kellin kissed.

"But you're injured. What if you hurt yourself?" Calum said.

"I'll be fine."

**the next day**

"Where are you going?" my mum asked.

"To the All Time Low concert," I said.

"Luke, you can't go, sorry," she sighed.

"But why?! I need to go, I paid! It will be good for me, really. It will make me feel much better. I've had a terrible Christmas break! Michael is driving so he won't put my life in danger." She pursed her lips together and sighed.

"Fine, you can go. Michael, if you crash I will make sure you-"

"Don't worry, I passed my drivers test," Michael chuckled.


"Oh, let me tell you 'bout the sad man.

Shut up and let me see your jazz hands. Remember when you were a madman, Thought you was Batman

And hit the party with a gas can!

Kiss me you animal!" We sang and everyone was happy, excited for the concert, and in such a good mood. I wasn't feeling 100% like them. Don't get me wrong, I am really looking forward to the concert, and I'm happy Luke is okay but I feel.... empty without him. I feel like a part of me is missing.

We arrived at the concert and there were tons of people, I wasn't surprised, All Time Low is a great band.

We got in our seats, we didn't want to be in the moshpit. But we were still close. Thank god this venue had seats! I've never been to a standing concert and I am nervous to, actually.

The concert was almost starting and someone sat next to me. I looked over and my eyes met Lukes'. His eyes looked dull, and lifeless.

"Hi," I quietly said.

"Hey," he gave me a small smile.

"Hey, guys!" Calum yelled over to us and we waved to him and Michael.

"What's up Sydney!" Alex yelled and the place was filled with screams.

They started to perform, and I couldn't help myself and I kept looking over at Luke. He was singing along, and he had trouble staying up. Calum helped him.

"Are you okay?" I asked, well i practically yelled over the music.

"Yeah, thank you!" he yelled back. I smiled at him.

"Now this song, it's called a love like war," Alex said.

"Make a wish on our sorry little hearts, have a smoke, pour a drink, steal a kiss in the dark. Fingernails on my skin like the teeth of a shark, I'm intoxicated by the lie," he said.

Soon, Vic Fuentes came out and sang the chorus and I yelled the lyrics out with adrenaline pumping, I jumped up and down.

"You go Vic!" Kellin yelled at the top of his lungs and Vic noticed him, and looked at him and gave him a smile. We weren't far from the stage after all.

"Did ya see that?! Vic fucking Fuentes noticed me!" Kellin cried.

"You should get married already! Its love at first sight!" Curtis laughed.

"Yeah, let's call it Kellic!" Ashton laughed.

"I'm not gay! I may look like a girl but I'm straight!" he yelled.

"Fine whatever!" I laughed.

"Having a good time?" I heard a voice well, Lukes. I looked at him.

"Yeah, what about you?"

"Why wouldn't I?" he chuckled.

Alex took a deep breath before saying,"Someone asked me this through twitter before the show. They wanted to us to dedicate a song for a special someone."

"Kellin Quinn- wait nevermind that guy asked if- nevermind I'm not saying it," Jack laughed.

"Hey!" Kellin whined.

"Some guy named Luke Hemmings wanted to dedicate this song to Jadelynn Collins. Jadelynn, if you're out there, make sure later tonight Luke gets some, he deserves it," Alex finished and my eyes widened. I couldn't help myself, I blushed. A lot.

Luke looked at me and I looked at him. His dull eyes seemed to sparkle for a quick second.


"I'm just kidding, this song actually goes like this....... I fought it for a long time now. While drowning in a river of denial. I washed up, fixed up, picked up all my broken things 'Cause you left me, police tape, chalk line, tequila shots in the dark scene of the crime

Suburban living with a feeling that I'm giving up everything for you.

Oh, oh, oh, how was I supposed to know, that you were oh, oh, over me

I think that I should go. Something's telling me to leave but I won't 'Cause I'm damned if I do ya, damned if I don't."

Luke didn't look at me, instead, he looked at his shoes as if he's never seen shoes before.

It actually made me feel better knowing he did this.


What the fuck is going on?

I never tweeted anything to Alex about the song. I really didn't mind, it could help me with trying to win Jade back.

I honestly had no clue she'd be here.

"Why are you so confused?" Michael asked quietly in my ear.

"I never dedicated the song," I explained. It was strange. Who would do that and why?

"Oh yeah I know. I did it for you," Michael grinned.


if you don't know the atl song (I hope you know it lol) it's in the media section (:


ily :) xx

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