Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Luke called again.

"Are you not going to answer?" Jade asked.

"Nope. It's Ricky again."

"Okay. Thanks for the ride! I'll see you tomorrow morning," Jade said. She walked to her doorsteps and I drove away.

As soon as I got home, I sent Luke a text.

'Stop calling me! I'm not going to answer.'

He responded with, 'Dammit just answer!'

I ignored it and went to bed.


**Next Day**

"Can I borrow a pencil?" I asked Jade. Without looking at me, she put a pencil on my desk.

"Thanks," I sighed. She didn't say anything.

"Well I am very proud of all of your book reports! Most of you got an A! Starting today, we will be discussing different book genres. Can you name some?" Mrs.Rose asked. People raised their hand and she thought for a moment.

"Luke?" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't raise my hand!"

"What is a genre?" she asked.

"Fuck off," I mumbled.

"What was that?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

"I said Fantasy," I groaned.

"Watch your attitude, Hemmings," she warned.

"Then don't piss me off!"

"Go to the office. Now."

"Fine whatever. So long, bitches!"

"Luke, you are going to be suspended. Just for today. You can go home now. Oh, and I will give your mum a call."

"Okay," I shrugged.

"Okay? Really? It's like the third time you've gotten suspended this year and all you say is okay?! Luke! You know this is in your permanent record, right?"

"I'm smart, I can get into any college," I yawned.

"You are. But you need to be a better person! Why are you like this? Did you live in an abusive-"

"You can't assume! What if I did, huh?! What would you know about living with an abusive father that almost killed you and your mum?! What would you know about having a father that didn't consider you as his son?! What would you know about living with a drug addict?! What would you know about living with a guy named Gerard?! " I yelled at the top of my lungs and stormed out.

I drove to my house and I was angry. Who does that man think he is?!

I pulled on my hair and I wanted to punch something, so I did. I punched the wall and there was a hole. I screamed.

All the memories flooded through my mind. I sat on the floor and hugged my knees letting the tears flow.


The doorbell rang.

"Go away!" I screamed.

"It's me, Mr.Briggs!"

"Just go away! What are you doing in my home?!"

"Your mum is coming!"

"I don't care!"

It was silent.

I stayed there hugging my knees and my breathing became heavy.

After a while, I heard my mum.

"Luke, honey, please I'm coming in." I panicked and quickly got up. I grabbed a vase and threw it at the door and ran to my room. I locked the door.

"Luke!" My mum cried.

"Luke please come out!" Mr.Briggs said and I heard footsteps coming closer. I moved some furniture and put it in front of my door and I closed the blinds.



I didn't need anyone at the moment. I wanted to be by myself. Is that too much to ask for?

"Don't make me-"

"Stop!" I yelled. I heard a lot of movement and that's when I knew I had to leave.

I opened the window and quietly stepped outside. I grabbed my bike and rode to the Roseberry Park.


"I think I'm gonna want to dress up as Miley Cyrus this Halloween," Kellin remarked.

"Dude. You should! It looks like you have a vagina anyways," Johnny chuckled.

"Hey, man. Don't be steppin' on my dick. Why don't you take a good look at yours? Mine is like huge-"

"Hey, hey, hey stop talking about that! We are having lunch!" Cat yelled.

"Sorry," Kellin mumbled.

"So, are you still dressing up as Miley Cyrus?" I asked.

"Yep, watch me twerk my way to each house," Kellin laughed.

"Do you even know how to twerk?" I laughed.

"I can twerk! My sister..... she loves this one youtuber that can twerk so good! I think his name is..... an- loo- lohanthony! I twerk just like him," he smirked. We all rolled our eyes.

"Oh, and I twerk better than all of you," he added.

"How would you know?! Anyways, twerking is so weird. It's like someone's butt is having a terrible twitching crisis," Curtis said and we all laughed.


"Dude, have you seen Luke? I haven't seen him since before Homeroom," I asked Michael.

"I don't know where he is."

"I'm gonna send him a text," I said and before I could send it, Stephanie sat down.

"Where is Luke?! I haven't seen him and I'm worried sick!"

"Last time I saw him was in English after homeroom," some kid in our table said.

"What? Come sit here, explain," I told the guy pointing to Luke's seat. He sat down and we all looked at him.

"Well, he disrespected the teacher and he got sent to the office. I went to the clinic and I heard Luke and Mr.Briggs yelling and Luke left angry. When I was leaving, Mr.Briggs was leaving and I heard him talking to someone and he mentioned the name Mrs.Hemmings."

Michael's, Stephanie's and I's mouth dropped.


"You stay out of it Steph," I warned.

"But he's my Lukey-"

"Shut up!" Michael yelled and we got up and left the cafeteria.

We knew something was wrong and we needed to find out what was going on.

We walked in the restroom and called Luke. No answer.

I then called Liz. No answer.


(A/N) What do you think?

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ily :) xx

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