Chapter Ninety-Eight

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"I'm not so sure about this," Stephanie mumbled as I pulled up in the school parking lot. I made her come to school.

"It'll be fine. We will have eachother," I said opening her door and she stepped out.

She sighed and we walked towards the school. People wouldn't stop looking at us, in other words, Stephanie's belly. It was rounder. It's only been three months but its noticeable.

I grabbed her wrist and gave it a small squeeze.

"Sit by me at lunch," I said and she nodded.

It was really awkward with Jade. In English I would look at her a lot but I would then look away so she wouldn't notice. She didn't say anything.

"Luke, you need to sleep. You look terrible," Mrs.Rose said.

"It's my problem anyways," I mumbled. She sighed and continued to write stuff on the board. I got my phone out and looked at myself with the camera. She was right.

My eyes were dull, I had deep bags under my eyes, my lips were chapped, and the only good thing was my hair. It was still up in its usual quiff.

Stephanie and I sat at my lunch table.

"Where are Calum and Michael?" Sam asked.

"They dropped out," I shrugged.

"Really? Why?"

"Um.. they just didn't feel like coming anymore." I wasn't going to talk about our band.

"Oh. You seem... off. Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, I just had a terrible Christmas break."

"Stephanie...." he said looking at we stomach.

"Yeah?" she asked stuffing her mouth with chips.

"What's that?" He asked pointing at her stomach.

"Stephanie!" Chloë and Hayley yelled making their way to our table.

"Great," I muttered and Stephanie looked at her lunch tray.

"What do you want?" she snapped at the two girls.

"How's the pregnancy? Have you found out who the father is?" Chloë asked.

"Stay out of my damn business."

"Wait, you're pregnant?" Sam gasped.

"Who's the father? Michael? Calum? Luke? Kellin? Sam? Who?" Hayley smirked.

"Leave her alone goddammit! Im not in a good mood!" I snapped.

"I thought you hated Stephawhore," Chloë rolled her eyes.

"I do not," i gritted through my teeth.

"What's wrong? Did you not get laid? I heard you got stabbed. Is that why you're moody?" Hayley taunted.

"Get the fuck out and leave Stephanie and I alone! I don't care, I will always be there for Stephanie and Alex!"

"Alex?" Chloë asked.

"Wait! That's the child name... right? Luke... you're the dad?" Hayley gasped.

"Yes! Now fuck off!"

The cafeteria got silent and people's eyes were wide. People started to whisper.

"I'm not even surprised."

"Luke? Damn I wanted him for me sometime in the future."

"I thought Luke hated her."

"I'm confused."

"What just happened?"


"I always knew Stephanie was a whore."

Stephanie got up from her seat and left the cafeteria. I followed her and I found her crying by a locker.


"I hate myself," she cried and I hugged her.

"I don't hate you. Yeah, you've fucked up but deep inside you are a sweet, nice person. I don't care what people say. I want Alexander Matthew Hemmings to live and to be raised better than I was. He will be a great person, and I will be there watching him grow as the years pass," I said.

She pulled away and gave me a small smile.


**Months Later/ June**

"I'll be back, I'm going to Walmart. I'm gonna get a few things," Stephanie said slowly getting up from the couch, holding onto her belly. The baby is supposed to be due next month.

"I will go with you."

"No, I'm fine. Nothing will go wrong."


"Please? I could use some alone time anyways."

"Okay," I sighed and she smiled. She grabbed her purse and walked out.

I drove over to Ashton's, I had nothing better to do.

Ashton gave me keys to his apartment, so I just walked in. I heard moaning from a room.

What the fuck. Is Ashton having sex?

I walked down the hallway and I could still hear the soft moan. It came from the extra room. I slowly opened the door and I saw Ashton working out.

I felt relieved.

He had his headphones on and he was lifting weights.

"Ashton," I said. He didn't respond.

"Ashton!" I yelled and he dropped the weights.

"Luke!" he scolded removing the headphones.

"So-rry," I muttered sitting on a yoga ball.

"Do you do yoga?" I asked.

"No. That isn't mine," he giggled.

"Whose is it?"

"Jades. She wants to start to work out. Shes making Kellin do yoga with her..." I felt jealousy. Jade and Kellin have been dating for like five months. It hurts. I still haven't changed with my emotions. Well, my anger issues have been controlled. I haven't improved 100% but I would give myself a 70%.


My phone started to ring and without looking at the screen, I answered.

I was crying already. I couldn't handle what I had been told.


I was less than two blocks away from Walmart. I was driving slower than usual due to my pregnancy.

My phone started to ring. I looked at it, keeping my hands on the steering wheel. It was on my lap. It was an unknown number. I ignored it and when I looked back at the road, I saw a semi truck driving out of control and I tried to dodge it but I hit another car really bad.

I was in pain.

Everything went black.

(A/N) So Kellade is real now.

ily :) xx

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