Chapter Sixty-Eight

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Kellin walked in my room and he stood next to me as I made my bed.

"Where'd you go? You seem like you did a lot of work," I said.

"Oh, I went home like I told you I would and um..... I got in a fight with my brother, that's all."

"I feel like you're lying," I sighed as I put a pillow on my bed.

"Fine, I didn't go home."

"Where did you- did you go to see Ashton?"


"What did you do?"

"Well I started to punch him..... and um he kept saying he didn't know what I was talking about, but he never denied it. Then my brother and Chris walked in and pulled me off of him and I left," he mumbled.

"You didn't have to hit him," I sighed.

"But that was a dick move. He deserved it!"

"I'm sorry for yelling," he said pulling on his hair.

"It's okay."

We sat there in silence until I said,"Thanks for being a great friend." He smiled and hugged me. Then, my phone started to ring and I pulled away to see it was Ashton. I ignored it as put my phone on silence knowing he would call a few times.

"Wanna go visit Cat?" Kellin asked putting his hands in his pockets.


"She looks lifeless," Kellin whispered.

"Yeah. Are her parents here?" I asked.

"I don't know. I do know that Everyone stayed over night. I wonder where the-"

"Hey," Curtis said walking in and he sat in a chair.

"Hey," I sighed.

"Any news?" Kellin asked.

"Unfortunately, no. Everyone but me left an hour ago."

"I thought Ashton would be here," he added. Jade and I looked at eachother.

"He um.... we aren't cool with him. He slept with Stephanie," I said.

"Really? Wow, I would never expect that from a 19 year old guy that wears pony shirts and is a brother to you," he told me.


It hurt bad. I wish Luke was here. Did he even know about all this? I know he's spending the weekend with Calum and Michael.


After a while of staring at my computer screen, I finally deleted the Facebook account of Katie Turner.

I felt horrible.

I had to finish what I started, anyways, Ashton was going to find out I was Katie sooner or later.

We had so many conversations and we became so close. I really liked talking to him. I felt so... different when I talked to him. He made me smile. I really like the way I felt.

Everything we talked about and everything I said was me.

Except my name isn't Katie, obviously and Im not in college. Everything else was me and I felt a connection.

He probably hated me and I don't blame him.


Its been such a strange day.

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