Chapter 1: Orphan

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Edited: 7/14/18; 4/28/19

You know, being a kid is great, you are loved, spoiled and fawned by both teen and adult alike. And if you were an orphan kid, the one thing you'd wish for is a happy family.

Though unfortunately for you, (Y/N), you don't get to pick.

Date X, XX, 20XX, a year before the infamous sludge incident. In a city in Japan, where people of the future —people with quirks and none —reside in, Mitsuki and Masaru Bakugo got a little tired with their explosive boy. He was no longer a kid and they missed that, so they decided to adopt a child.

Since that taking care of a baby is like having another Katsuki in the house, they chose a 4-year-old. Young but old enough for all to take care of —yes, even Katsuki has to take responsibility on looking after you.

You are a simple optimistic kid despite losing your parents to a villain attack, neither of your older siblings, who were allowed to take you in, never placed you under their care. Plus you can't be sent out to of the country to other relatives, they practically left you on the doorstep of an orphanage.

Fortunately, the orphanage you were in was a nice one, the caretakers were loving and the children were just honey. You'd blend right in!

Just a bit too well...

You blend in too well that you were never adopted, none ever noticed you. Soon the orphanage closed because the place got bankrupt, so the children were sent to other orphanages around the country. You were still a bundle of joy despite those harsh times, you were strong, they say and because of that you still continue to be.

The Bakugo couple had taken a trip to the closest orphanage, the one where you reside in. The orphanage was like an apartment sheltering other children who were victims of villain attacks, lost their parents by birth or in accidents or, maybe just left there like you. The sun reflected against the cream-colored walls like a mirror and lively chatter can be heard from inside even at the front of the building.

Upon entering, they spotted a lovely receptionist, who showed them a list of the 4-year-old children that they have under their care. But just looking at a list won't help them alone, so they were shown inside.

Its playtime for the children, so all were either outside playing in the yard, or inside in the play area where some draw and read. Some has already developed their quirks; obvious and unique, others not yet but if you were looking for the kid in a place where there is a lot, then it is pretty difficult.

"There's so many, how can we pick just one?" Mitsuki's husband, Masaru asked her, the one who came up with the idea of adopting a child.

"I don't know, but I know I definitely want a girl." She answered looking around.

"But what would Katsuki think about that?" Masaru asked but it fell through deaf ears as his wife excitedly look around.

"Ah! Our ball!" A kid yells from outside catching their attention.

A group of children huddled around a tree with a bright red ball sitting on a high branch of a tall twisty tree.

"Mo, you get it! You have a flying quirk!" One yelled

"But he has a jumping quirk!"

"How about you!? You can control the wind!"

The children bickered on about who shall retrieve their ball located on the high branch of the twisty tree. "Ah, you guys are such scaredy cats!" A voice chirped from above them. You were already scaling up the twisty tree maneuvering through the branches with ease as you made your way to the branch where the ball sat.

Katsuki's New Sibling Life (boku no hero academia x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now