Chapter 36: More Than He Seems

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Falling from your launch, you set your eyes to the rolling ball of rock that is causing utter shock and chaos in its path.

With claws stretched out readying yourself to latch on to the rock. You took a deep breath. And latched the sharp bone of your elbow to the rock. "Yes!" You exclaimed but it turned to cries of pain as you were pressed against the ground as the boulder rolled.

"Ow! Oof! Ack!" Your head spun with the rolling boy. "(Y/N)! Let go! You'll get hurt!" wept the boy.

"Nope! You are gonna have to stop!"

"I can't!" Setchī wailed hearing your yelps of pain from the pavement ground. Looking up to see where you guys are, you gasp as you noticed you were rolling down towards a road. "Setchī, you have to stop! We are gonna go on a road!"

"R-Road..!? With cars!?"

"Yes!" Your eyes widen as you near. You knew for sure if you cause a car accident then there would be more damage to deal with after. "Setchī..!" You squeak wide saucer eyes.


"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Setchī screamed at the top his lungs ready to be hit around. Ready for the sounds of metal hitting each other. Maybe even screams or explosions occurring but...

"We stopped!"

"We stopped?" Ripping through his rocky armor, you pulled Setchī out of his shell.

"Good job Setchī!" You cheer hugging him while jumping up and down. Breaking into laughter Setchī cheered. "I stopped my quirk!"

"Setchī! (Y/N)!!"

Looking over your shoulder, you both let out a surprised gasp as Akira flew into your bodies for a tight hug. "Thank goodness you guys are okay..!" She whimper unable to see the bright hues of red on the chubby male.

"That was amazing, Setchī! After rolling throughout the city, you finally stopped yourself!" Sen gawked making Setchī freeze.

"Through the city..? You mean a lot of people saw it...?"

"Yeah, why?"

Freezing in his place, Setchī suddenly burst into tears curling into a ball, minus the rocks. This made you all jolt in worry. "Setchī, are you okay?" Akira sweetly asked.

"I-I... I used my quirk in the city... we weren't allowed to..! I d-don't wanna get yelled at!!" Wailed the fearful boy making you and your friends worried.

"O-Oh... That's right, some of us used our quirks.." Sen mutter scratching the back of her head.

"We are gonna be in big trouble..." Tora sighed worried if he might get yelled at for getting into trouble. Katsuki blinked plainly before frowning bonking your's and Tora's head.

"If you are that fucking worried about all those shit, then I will take responsibility." He says making you look at him.

"What? But it's our fault.."

"And who the hell is the one that is old enough to get scolded?" Katsuki grunts pointing at himself making you stare at him in shock. You looked at each other before looking back at him.

"Big brother..." You frown with worry, your ears perking as you heard a hero approach.

The entrance of the appearance made Akira and Setchī hide behind Katsuki's leg while Tora and Sen stealthily inch close to the blonde, pretending not to be scared. Kōyō just crossed his arms looking at the ground and you cling on to Katsuki's pants.

"What's going on here?" asked the hero revealing to be Kamui Woods.

Taking a deep breath Katsuki readied himself before he stared at the young adult hero.



A phone on a desk rang relentlessly. Catching the attention of his owner.


"Hello?" answered a deep and gruff voice. "Yes... I see... Thank you for informing me.." and with that, the owner of the phone ended the call and lean back with a sigh.

"Yo, Eraserhead. What's gotcha down?" A hero sat in the cubicle next to the dark-haired hero asked. "Present Mic, I will back in a bit. Cover for me."

Not questioning the man's intention, Present Mic gave him a thumbs up.



Sat at the police station, you waited for Katsuki's talk with the police and Kamui to finish. You were the only one there waiting outside since Aoi came to pick up the two boys and offered to take home everyone while she was there.

It took a while, but soon he was out.

You jumped to your feet and ran to him, clinging to his leg. "B-Big brother..?" You worriedly stutters hopping whatever happened in the room wasn't that bad.

"Is everything okay?"

To your surprise, the blonde rose a brow with a smirk. "The hell you talking about? Everything is fine. I only got one heck of a shitty earful from those guys." Hearing that your ear folded, holding a guilty look in your eyes.


"Bah, they said it happens every once in a while. Nothing was destroyed so it's cool." You smiled in relief and let out the deep breath you didn't know you were holding.

"Ah... This whole thing is making me sleepy.." You laugh pettily rubbing your eyes to keep the sleep out of them.

"Of fucking course, you're sleepy, you are skipping your needed sleep and if you are sleepy how on earth are you gonna watch me during the festival?" Katsuki mocked pulling on your fins.

"Hey!" You giggled at the tickling sensation you felt before yawning. "..Can you carry me?"


"Really...?" Your eyes widen making the male huff. "I'd be more happy to drag you though." The boy grumbled making you whine childishly clinging onto his neck.

"No, carry me!"

Rounding around the corner, a hero with long dark hair and droopy features, Eraserhead, caught sights with his blonde student's back. With a low grumble to himself, he opened his mouth to call out for the boy but stopped midway.

Katsuki, unbeknownst to his teacher, picked up. Playfully throwing you and catching you, earning soft giggles from you.

Placing his hand onto the back of your head, he lightly pushed your head till it was softly rested on his shoulder. Wrapping your form firmly in his hands, not bothered by your tail that was wrapping itself around the blonde's waist.

In Eraserhead's point of view, he was slightly shocked at the discovery of his loudest and aggressive student so gentle.

Watching the blonde's departing figure, Eraserhead let out a hum to himself. "Guess there is more to Bakugo than many think..."

Edit: Forgot to put down that you guys are welcome to check at my message board, cause I kinda decided that I will announce upcoming books there and stuffs.

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