Chapter 23: Broccolis

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"Big brother, wake up!" You say bouncing on the back of the boy who groaned.

"Big brother, wake up..! Big brother, wake up..!!!"

"Alright! Shut the fuck up and get out of my room!" Katsuki yelled angrily throwing you off him. Landing on your reptile feet you snickered and skipped to the side of the bed where he was facing.

"But big brother, you promised that we would go get some toys!" You whined.

"Well I changed my mind." He grumbled making you whine.

"Big brother you meany!" You cried hitting his head with your fist.

"If you want toys that much go buy them yourself! The money mom left us to buy it with is on the table!" He yelled before turning over with his back facing you.

With an annoyed huff you turned and walk out of his room shutting the door close.

"Finally.." Katsuki muttered tiredly.

It was quiet till he heard the front door open. 'She wouldn't actually go out alone right?'.

Katsuki thought to himself looking the door of his room in a sitting position.

He waited for some sound to show you were still in the house but heard nothing else but his breath.

"Fuck!" He cursed jumping off the bed.

' "Now Katsuki, if (Y/N) ends up going out alone you are in big trouble!~" Mitsuki say before she closed the door of his room.'

'There is NO way I am getting in deep shit today!'


"Big brother is so mean... I just wanna buy a new ball..." You mutter.

Dressed in a big T-shirt under a big neutral colored jacket with boy shorts and pump shoes. You wandered down the street to go to your favorite toy shop.

"And I am hungry too... Maybe I can buy some meat before I go 'savage'." You say to yourself entering the store.

"Morning kiddo!" One of store employees greeted you.

"Hello!" You greeted back before scurrying to the toy section looking for the ball section.

The store was a general store, selling snack and school supplies together with toys it would be obvious why it's always been tad bit crowded. 

Wandering around the store you came across a familiar figure.

"Oh its like that doll big brother has.." You say looking at the other merchandise the section held.

"Should I buy this?" You asked yourself that was until a foam bullet toy gun caught your interest. You almost felt your eyes sparkle in mischief at the sight of the gun.

"Ooh! I could use this, Hehehe!" You snickered to yourself.

Suddenly, out of the blue, the gun fired by itself and the bullet went flying to the head of another person.

"Ouch." The person lightly spoke scratching the back of their head.

"Ah, I am so sorry!" You say walking up to the person who held the bullet in his hand.

"Ah, its okay.." The person told you.

Looking at his face you suddenly gasped and pounced the poor individual. Making them fall down in shock.

With hands on the person's cheek you looked at their face in fascination.


The person looked at you with a beyond surprised face. "I.. what..?"

Katsuki's New Sibling Life (boku no hero academia x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now