Chapter 3.5: After the Fight

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Last updated: 1/4/18; 4/28/19

In the end, both of you were scolded for doing such acts. And despite helping, Akira only did what you told her and kept you two from injuring yourselves so she wasn't scolded that much.

"You're weird..." Tora muttered to you. Both of you sat outside with your parents and Tora's guardians in the head teacher's office discussing about your stunt that afternoon.

"Of course I'm weird and that makes me, me." You grinned proudly before laughing making the yellow-eyed boy huff in annoyance.

"If you knew I was gonna cheat, why'd you still took the challenge?" He asked.

"I took it because I noticed that you want to be better than anybody even if you play dirty, and also that is wrong, it just shows that you can't handle what is thrown at you. And I experienced it first hand!" You joked showing your bandaged hand.

"Why did you defend me?" He asked.


'The two of you were placed down and safe on the ground, the teacher took this opportunity to interrogate to you about the dangerous act you pulled.

"I didn't want to! Tora forced me to do it!" One of his groupmates shouted accusingly pointing at Tora who was shocked at his 'friend's' outburst.

"That... That's not true!" Tora defended feeling a bit flustered with all the accusing stares that were thrown at him.

"He bullied me and him to do it!" The other boy in Tora's group wailed and immediately all the kids started to reveal his crimes, like a thief in a court.

"Sh-Shut up... Shut up!!" Tora yelled with his hands clasped over his ears trying to bite back the tears so no one would think he's a baby.

You watch his trembling figure and remembered his words. 'I'm gonna show my parents I'm not a failure!'. You sighed and shook your head. You marched to them and shouted in a loud tone.

"I'm sorry teacher! It was my fault! I challenged Tora cause I thought he was a wet diaper!" The group stared at you in surprise and Tora angrily stared at you with a tick mark on his forehead. '

"Oh yeah... You brat..!" Tora yelled recovering the earlier events.

"You acknowledge me as if I'm a kid..." you mumbled poutingly at him.

"Cause you are one~" He teased with a smirk making you cross your arms in annoyance.

"As if, at least I have beaten you." You stuck a tongue out making him frown.

"No you didn't, I climbed higher than you." You shrugged teasingly.

"Heh, as if!"

"Hey!--" He was about to start again but was cut off.

"Anyway, the point is, I'm a sucker for second chances, so if you want to prove to your yourself in the most righteous way then shake my hand." You leaned a hand in front of you with a smile.

Tora seems embarrassed to seek help from a girl, but you were skilled, a bit, and for that, he sighed and shook your hand.

"Tora Seishin..."

"(Y/N) Bakugo!" You grinned. Tora couldn't help but let out a ghost smile as you shook your hands.

"Oi brat! No dating!" Katsuki suddenly barged in into the corridor. "What are you talking about!?" You shouted at him.

And in the end, it started a big fight between the two Bakugo causing your parents to peak out from the room and your mom ended up getting into the whole thing.

Tora in the sidelines watching the whole fight unravel with a bewildered face.

"This is the weirdest family I ever met..."

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