Chapter 21: Workshop

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Silence was once again in the house—which is pretty much a bad thing when it comes to the Bakugo family— and everyone was busy.

Being a school day there was almost no one at the house to keep you company.

You poured looking out the window with utter boredom. Your tutor already left and your mom should be coming home soon, if not soon, then your neighbor would check on you.

You sighed loudly knowing no one would be able to tell you to shut up, it wouldn't really would be fun without it..

"Everyone is so unfair!" You shouted in the empty house.

You have been keeping close ties with your friends, besides Tora... And even your teacher at times. But it just never seemed to fill the empty space in the quiet house.

No school will allow you to join and you didn't want to be trapped at home all the time.

Finally giving up on practically everything you trudged to the sofa turning on the television. "Tv is the only side to boredom.." You mutter.

Somehow you ended up at the news channel that was showing an ongoing villain attack.

You stayed quiet watching the heroes moving about paying attention to the chatter of the news reporter who was at the scene.

You can feel a low growl erupting from your throat.

"They look stupid..." You mutter about to change the channel when the heroes finally defeated the villains and no sooner than it did was given a close up interview of them.

You felt your pupils narrow as they just smiled at the camera and before you knew the Tv was trashed.

Smashed like a soda can the Tv fizzled with electricity. You gasped in shock.

"Oh my Goldilocks..!" You panicked rushing to the broken Tv. "Aaah! What do I do!?!" You panicked looking around to find a place to stuff the Tv in so no one will know you destroyed it.

"When everybody gets home, I will be in so much trouble..!" You whined.

"Oh, I know! I'll call Tora...!" Hearing the name slip from your lips made you frown remembering Tora no longer wanting to be friends with you.

'I guess I will call Kōyō..?' You thought looking at the walkie talkie in your hand.

Taking a big gulp you were about to press the call button when you heard a knock on the window.

It surprised you making you drop the device and look out the frame to see a familiar brown hair with dyed blonde tips, you neared towards the window.

"Haguruma-san?" You tilted your head in question looking at the male who was waving at you.

"Halo!" He greeted cheerfully.

It took a few moments to compose yourself before you narrowed you eyes suspiciously at him. "Weirdo Creeper..."

Hearing that Haruguma jumped back emotionally hurt.

"H-Hey..! That was a bit mean.." He says crying out childishly. "What are you doing here?" You asked.

"Hmm? Oh well, you see I saw a big bang just when I was passing by, I was worried that something happened and came over to look." He said making you nod in understanding.

"Well, nothing is wrong so, shoo.." You insisted gesturing him away.

"But what happened to your Tv?"

"I-Its nothing.."

"I can help fix it!" He say but you crossed your arms and shook your head.

"Nu-uh you ain't allowed inside..!" You stubbornly say even when he whined.

Before you could tell him to go away once more the broken Tv slowly started to move and float surprising you. Then slowly it fixed itself and and was placed back to position as if it never was broken in the first place.

"W-What?" You gasped in surprise as Haruguma made a proud huff and turned away.

"W-Wait..! Was that your quirk??" You asked in surprise.

With a large smile he nodded. "Yeah! You know, their is a small workshop that helps children with strong, uncontrollable and potentially dangerous quirks." He say giving you hope.

"R-Really?" You ask in surprise.

"Yup!" he said. "I actually heard about your incident and the workshop told me to come by and speak with your mom, though since she is not here, I will leave a paper in the mail for her to check." He say and bid you goodbye before you could say anything else.

You blinded in curiosity as he left the street but held an excited smile thinking about the workshop the strange man spoke of.

'If I take on the workshop, then.. I will be able to go back to school!" You excitedly thought.

"Hehe! I can't wait to tell mom about this!" You excited say jumping up and down.

"Hello? Hello?"

You paused and look down and spotted the walkie talking you dropped. Picking it up you heard an awful familiar voice.


The other end was silent before you heard a reply. "Why are you calling me?" He asked making you furrow your brow.

"What do you mean? Since Kōyō has your walkie talkie, I use it to call him.." You say. "I wasn't expecting you to answer.."

"W-Well.... Whatever goodbye..!" He yelled and ended the call without another word making you laugh.

'He's still the same...' You thought happily before putting the device on the table. You were about to go when you stopped thinking of something. 'Wait...Was he on the entire time?'


Letting his hand hang with the device in clutched tightly in his grip Tora was in deep thought.

"Aoi.." He called his trusted maid, the same one who was with him when he was looking for you.

"Yes master?" She spoke up.

"Give me some information of this workshop this 'Haruguma'... was talking about.." He ordered.

With an obedient nod she left the room. Tora looked at the device in his hand and sighed a bit.

"You never could stay away from the lizard breath for even a couple of days can you?" Kōyō's amused voice made the boy roll his eyes.

"You can't keep away either.." Tora teased making the brunette huff.

"That idiot is a trouble magnet.." Tora say making Kōyō walk up to him with a book in hand.

"So when are we joining?"

"Soon... Get Okutō-sensei on the phone..."

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