Chapter 8: Lost

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Wow! A thousands reads already!? This feels so unreal I thought my writing was terrible. I still think it is.


Ding Dong Ding Dong! ~

The bell rang and with out a care the students all raced out of their classes and rooms towards the gates of freedom where they are out of school and free to do whatever.

As long as you were picked up, on your case.

Here's a little recap for you. Earlier that day you had a 'fight' with Katsuki, Tora had a fight with Yōkō while you had another fight on 'requesting' to know what had happened to the two. Though on their part you were practically demanding to see them.

And now here you are waiting for your brother to pick you up, which he is taking HOURS to do so.

You huffed in frustration but over time you were guessing already.

'He's probably still mad from this morning.... I'll ask teacher if I can call mom...' you sighed to yourself before turning back to the main campus.

[And so...]

"What do you mean you can't pick me up!?" You ask in surprise holding on to the black telephone that you have borrowed from the teacher's office.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), but there was a villain incident and the police is making a detour route. We won't be able to get home before dark...." your mother apologize.

"And I thought Katsuki already picked you up." You groaned not wanting to stress your mom about what happened between you two earlier.

"I can't believe that boy, I'll call him to pick you up now."

"No!" You suddenly spat out unconsciously before clearing your thought. "No...need! He is probably busy, I'll walk home myself!" You insisted.

"You sure?" Your mother asked with worry laced in her voice. "We don't live that far, I can walk home from here, I know where to go." You persuaded.

"Besides, I doubt Katsuki will pick me up even if you tell him to!"

"Oh...? You called your brother by his first name..." Hearing that comment made you flinch but you told your mom to not mind it before you ended the call.

"You are going home alone?"

Hearing a familiar voice you sighed in amusement and turned to the famous white haired tiger. "Just got out of the cage kitty?" You lightly teased.

"Don't, I'm not in the mood for those."

The boy grumbled making you chuckle with your arms in surrender. "Okay okay..! Anyway I gotta go its late."

"I thought you already left, isn't your brother supposed to pick you up earlier?" Hearing the same assumption made you frown in distaste.

"I can get home myself you know. "

"Huh? Really? That's very hard to believe..."

"What!? Oh come on! I can get myself home from here!" You yelled at him in frustration.

"You'll get lost after the first turn." Tora bet watching you huff and leave in anger. "You think she'll make it?" He asked himself.

"..... Nah.."

[With You]

"Stupid Tora! I can make it home in no time! I won't get lost!" You say stomping down the pavement heading home and because it was a bit later that normal there are a bunch of people out now.

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