Chapter 30: Graduation Day

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As the days went by, it was finally the last day of and your graduation. You couldn't wait for the day to come, cause it meant you were getting older. And to make that day more special, your little group of friends are hanging out at one of Tora''s family owned resturaunts with each of your families for dinner.

But right now, you are ony gettinng ahead of yourself, becaue that day is still tomorrow! Today is another of those training sessions, with your friends, that you still held. Well, to be honest is not exactly training as you and they would camp at 'your forest' every now and then having funn and exploring.

In a large field you and your friends are playing a game of frisbee, with your quirks, but soon enough made it into a competition. Though its the norm between you guys.

"Are you ready, furball?" Koyo taunted holding getting to a postion to throw as Tora smirked "I was worried you wouldn't be much of a match, weed."

Watchhing in the side lines you, Setchi and Akira held a knowing look. "They are at it again..." Setchi commented. "You think you can handle them?" worriedly Akira nodded thanking the shy brunette for his concern which made him blush.

"Maybe you two should sit this one out...." You suggested watchinngg both boys fueling eachother's fire with their own. "I'll just make sure.. they won't lose the ball... again. Go help Big sis, Aoi and Okuto-sensei with the food."

Nodding in reply, the two head towards the camp site that was a little ways far on the edge of the field where a river lies to separate the forest and the field.

"You two aren''t gonna join them?" Shinji looked at them curiosily at his place by the grill as the two satt bby the bench.

"This the 13th round, and both Tora and Koyo are getting ahead of themselves." Setchi explained softly in which the dark haired young adult sighed in amusement. "Well those two came from a prestige family... It's only likely they thrive to be the best.."

Just as the comment slipped his lips a loud crash was heard from the three individuals who were playing and they immediately noticed Koyo''s vines that sproutted out of the ground.

"You think you can catch this!?" Koyo yelled controlling his vines to throw the disc with a powerfull force.

Coating his one of his arms with a glowing astral paw-like coating, Tora caught the disc before tumbling back from the force of the moving object. ''What was that? It ffelt like you were a pillow!'' Tora taunted making Koyo growl.

Watching the boys with a blank look you sighed. 'And I thought I was the reckless one...' You thought slowly decicding to go to the others instead, that is... until all of a sudden a were hit in the forehead that sent straight to the ground.

The boys were silent, eyes wide and face completely white.

Slowly you stood back up with tthe frisbee in hand, the boys gulped as a scarily 'innocent' smile plaster on your face with smoke comming out of your mouth. Your scales standed on its edge as you walked towards them in which they moved back. ''Oh boys~" You cooed hollding the disc in their sights.

''Wanna play?~"

Yup they are definitely screwed... RIP mates.


''Wow, look at you (Y/N). Graduating from kindergarten!'' Your mom grinned as you beamed to them. ''I am now a big girl!'' You cheered. Katsuki deciding now is the time to tease he smirked down at you ''Look in the mirror again brat, you are still small.''


''OKay picture time! Katsuki join in.'' Mitsuki ushered making the boy groan, why do we have to do this? The brat is only moving to a higher level, no need for all this shit...'' he complained slouching as he took his place next to you.

''No complaining, it's the memory that counts.''

A quick click and flash signalled the end of the shoot it made the blonde sigh in relief but just before he suggest to go home, Sen came in crashing annd cheering. ''Groupie!'' In no time time the entire group all crowd around with Katsuki in the middle, safe- not really- to say he wasn't happy at all.

''Well, now that the programm is over, let's celebrate!'' You giggled as Sen the most excited of the bunch cheered urging them to lead the way.

Followed by their families, some big some small, they arrived in front of two limos, curtusy from of course the young cousins.

After filling in the two limos, some saying to take their own vechile to the restraunts themselves they left. ''I can taste the deliscious expensve food already..!'' Sen cheered with drool on the edge of her lips.

''Well when you put it that way I feel like I shouldn't let you in at all.'' Tora bluntly say earnings cries of plea from the female brunette.

''Tora don't tease'' You laugh beside him in which he shrugged. ''As if Sen would stay away from the food anyway.'' Koyo commented who sat on your other side, which meant that you reside in between the boys.

With the parents residing in the other limo chatting away, this left the first limo all for the younger kids. And in that limo held a ticking bomb that is getting annoyed at how the kids flock at you. It is a ccertain latter who pat the emptty space beside him, heariing it made you sigh in annoyance.

''Big brother if you are annoyed you could have rode with the adults..''

''Don't wanna.''

''Well what do you want?''

''Sit here, there are too many flies around you.'' Katsuki bluntly spoke stealing you from the other side. Feeling angry from the insult both Tora and Sen spoke up about it.

One thing lead to another and a verbal fight had commense. 'Why me? Why does this always happen?' You groaned watching it all looking over to the more clmer ones who merly shruggged in defeat.

'I am tempted to throw them out of the car....' And just after you thought of that, Katsuki with multiple tic marks on him grabbbed Sen and attempted to open the window of the speeding car.

''Big brother, put her down!!''

'' You think that is gonna scare me!?''

''Sen shut up!''

''Oh my gosh!''

''I wil fucking kill you!!''

....I don't know what to say about this group anymore...

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