Chapter 39: Trouble

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Walking down the pavement with a skip in your step, following after you was your brother who was just... done.

He was exhausted, irritated, frustrated, embarrassed, oh how the list goes on.

Katsuki could do nothing more but glare at the back of your head hoping that you can, for once, burst in flames that can actually hurt you.

Oh hello, you must be heavily confused about what was going on and thought that you might have missed something! Well, you did. And as the author, it is my duty to show a flashback that will explain the situation!

(Behind the scene: Lukas gets a box of duck tape)

[Flashback Time!]

Changed back into their uniform the class chattered amongst themselves, some were quiet and others were still jumbling their head over the day. Katsuki was obviously grumbling to himself as he chews on the strap of the medal.

It wasn't long till Eraserhead came causing everyone to sit down.

"Good job," He told his students "There is no school tomorrow and the day after. You may get offers from the pro-heroes that we're watching today but we'll gather those together and announce it after the break, so wait in expectation for it as you rest."

"Furthermore, Bakugo you have a guest..."

Hearing such words made the blonde's stomach drop in an instant. 'I have a guest...? I have A Guest? Me??? Have a GUEST!?'

The door slid open and with a large toothy grin the young child wave massively at the crowd of students. "Hellooo! I am Bakugo (Y/N)!" You shout out to them.


"The hell you are doing here!?!" Katsuki immediately yelled once his brain clicked. Without a care you shrugged your shoulders with a smug smile "Tora and Koyo ditched me, so I went looking for you!" you told him playing the victim when it was obviously the other way around.

"Um... Aizawa-sensei," a green-haired female student raised her hand. "Yes?"

"Isn't it not allowed for none students to roam around the school ground?" she asked voicing some of the student's questions.

"They were very annoying, this thing kept bothering me to bring them along." The teacher replied lazily.

'Huh? That never happened... Did it?' You blinked at the adult male before your fin twitched when you heard movement at the door. "Oh, Uncle Nezu!" You chirp happily greeting the short, white-furred bear-mouse individual.

With a smile, the male greeted you back before looking at the students. "Don't worry about that. I have given the young one a visitor ID-- Make sure you don't lose it okay?"

"Yes, sir!" you salute to him.

Over with Katsuki, he is having an internal crisis that no one would even guess from the blank/angry face he still held from the festival. But he wasn't the only one.

'Bakugo? A cousin? Or family member right? Kacchan doesn't have any younger siblings from what I remember...' Izuku thought with his green eyes big and wide, 'When I first saw them with each other I initially thought they were his cousin and when they called him 'Big Brother' it was just for formality.'

"Are you a relative to Bakugo?" Another female student, this time with bright pink hair and skin, asked leaning forward onto her desk.

"Relative...?" You repeat not understanding the word before thinking. But you let out a soft childish giggle before proudly looking at them with your hands on your hips showing a kind of cockiness that can easily be identified in a certain someone.

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