Chapter 10.5: Found You!

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Left with confusion you blinked to see if all this was some weird hallucination but the candies were still in your hand.

"Limited edition..? Why would he give  something that big of a deal to a random person..." You muttered to yourself and opened the packet that the candies were hold in, nearing on to your opened lips.

"So this is where you were at."

"Eep!" With a shocked cry you jumped in surprise dropping the candy as you did.

"T-Tora..! How'd you find me..?" You turned to face the one with the annoyed look.

"My maid?" he answered nonchalantly with arms crossed. The maid, the one who helped you guys get home, was by his side in a prime manner. In public the two stuck out like a sore thumb looking both rich and unique.

"O-Oh right! I forgot, her quirk is Scent Tracker!" You scratched the back of your head

"Where did you get that?" Tora suddenly asked spotting the unfamiliar treats in your possession.

You hummed in confusion before grinning from ear to ear. "Oh these, I got them from some random guy! He said it was limited edition, I couldn't resist!" You mused.

But Tora didn't seemed pleased and smacked your head in a scolding manner.

"You don't accept candies from strangers. Weren't you taught that?" He grumbled.

"No, so what? Its not like nobody cares anyway..." You muttered under your breath silently making your way to the limo leaving Tora to silently watch you.

'Geez you bastard... What did you do now?'

Tora sighed to himself and approaches his vehicle when he felt eyes burn the back of his head. Looking back he did not see anything abnormal with a shrug he enter the limo and the said vehicle drove away.

"Damn maybe next time~"

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