Easter Special: Floppy Ears

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Yeah, it's late, fight me--SLAP

I am so sorry for this to be late, you guys. But as I said in the message board(?), I am currently on vacation. So any surprises I have planned may be delayed. Cry... I also missed Katsuki's Birthday... Double Cry...

And I was also going to announce that it's the 1-year anniversary for SpriteStudios, on April 26... Oh well, I'll post the surprise later. But, yeah!

Its the 1 Year Anniversary for SpriteStudios!

Though, I have been on Wattpad for almost, YEARS! It was only since last year that was decided to, not really debut, but you know post stuff. It just took longer to debut cause I am planning something for it.


"Oi brat, pick up the pace, I am fucking tired already" Katsuki yelled at your form who was standing before a food vendor.

"Alright, hold your horses! I am still buying it snack!" You shouted back sitting on your long and strong tail so you could look over the counter to the seller.

"I don't give a damn about your snack, I still need to leave early tomorrow!" Hearing that made you gasp in false hurt.

"How dare you! Do not besmirch uncle's food!" You fun making the blonde huff.

After paying for your food you started to make your way back to your impatient brother but at that moment.

"Ah! A villain!"

"You got to be kidding me..."

[Time Skip]

"What the fuck!?"

[Another Time Skip]

"I am gonna kill that damn asshole!!!"

"*Click* Tora, I am gonna need some help..."


"Bwahahahaha!!!" Tora guffawed as he topples off his seat on the couch. You let out a soft giggle petting the bushy blonde locks while the owner of said lock was trembling in fury.

"Ahah!— You— pfft— serious!? Hah! I—! Can't— Ahahah!— Breathe!!" Tora said between laughs wiping his of laughter from the corner of my eye.

"Then stop breathing and die!" Katsuki yelled crossing his puffy front balls of fur "You told me that, that bastards quirk is to turn people into animals!" The tall two equally fluffy and puffy appendages twitched from anger making Tora laugh more.

"The heck is going on?" Koyo grumbled making his way into the room you, Tora and Katsuki reside but froze when he looked at the blonde.

"You're a fucking bunny..."

"A fucking Jackrabbit, you ass!" Katsuki corrected Koyo's blunt comment with grinding teeth.

"Sure whatever you help you sleep properly." Koyo smirk fueling Tora's laughter even more. "Why you..!"

"Alright, alright, girls you are pretty but I think the poor guy has enough teasing for today." You giggle softly giving the yellow rabbit a little Eskimo kiss which made Katsuki push you away.

"The fuck!? (Y/N)!" Katsuki roared with pink on his cheeks making you blink.

"Huh? Oh! Sorry..!" You laugh nervously "I like giving animals kisses on the nose, it's a bit of a habit."

"Hey, (Y/N)... I am part cat—"

"Fuck off you rabbit furball!" Katsuki growled making you laugh again cuddling with him, which oddly he didn't seem to push away.

"Anyway, the police say to just wait it out for a little while, if the transformation lasts longer than it should go to your school for some help." You told him waving goodbye to the cousins with Katsuki resting his chubby cheek on his paw on your shoulder still looking grumpy.

"This sucks!" He mutter.

"Awe, don't be like that!" You say in an optimistic way while you gently rub your hands from his head down to his furry back, pushing his ears down only for them to stand up.

"You are getting annoyingly touchy while I am in this form..." Katsuki pointed out taking his sweet time watching the surrounding since you were doing most of the walking. "You don't usually do this."

"I don't get to keep pets since that incident, the therapists said I might eat the animals." You spoke softly feeling a wave of sadness wash over you. But it was gone the second it came "It's fine though, they may be right anyway!"

Katsuki frowned deeply at your self-loath but said nothing as you hugged him so gently in your arms.

"Wanna go home?"

"Huh?" You blink in surprise at his sudden suggestion. The bunny let out a huff before looking around. It was unknown to you from the start, but ever since you started walking down the road with Katsuki, as a bunny, in your arm. You were getting attention.

Like a lot.

Some had faces that looked like adoration from the trophe and your brother seem to be representing 'a protective predator and a cute innocent prey'. Others held faces of uncertainty since you seemed too rough to be handling a fragile creature.

One had the guts to voice out their thoughts when they approached you. "Hello, is this little bunny yours?" they asked softly since you are still a child, they didn't wanna scare you. Timidly you shook your head with a smile "He's my brother, he got transformed by a quirk." you honestly replied.

"Oh, I see.." They mutter with slight shock in their features before continuing "shouldn't you, leave him with the police then? You might hurt him." Hearing that made your fine-like ears drop along with your smile.

It made the animal in your arms snarl. "Oi nosy bastard, if you have a fucking problem say it to my face and leave my younger sis alone!!!" Katsuki roared making them jump in shock.

For Katsuki's appearance didn't fit his personality and felt rather embarrassed when eyes were turned to them.

After a curt apology, they scurried away with their tail behind their feet leaving Katsuki to smirk in victory. "Big brother, you didn't have to be so mean.." You mutter making the male bursts at you with a slightly angry and confused face.

"Tell, that to those extras who don't know how to mind their damn business!" He huff making you weakly smile.

"I told you, it's okay..."

"And I told you, that let's go home and just play some video games you blackmailed furball to give ya!" Katsuki huff very angry at your tepid personality. "I am fucking tired with this, let's just go home so I can beat you to a crisp."

The bunny huff stubbornly making you snort at how cute it looks. Your brother did attempt to argue about that, but a firm hug from you made him quite.

"You are so cute." You chirp playing with his floppy ears saying a curt 'boing' every time your bounce the ear in the air.

Rolling his eyes, Katsuki used his paw to ruffle your (h/c) locks "Fuck you too".

Katsuki's New Sibling Life (boku no hero academia x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now