Special Chapter:Fantasy UA

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Info: We all know how this goes, everyone, I am sure is charmed by UA. Katsuki is traveling with his dragon and (Y/N) is a cursed child.

They do not know each other yet. He meets you after joining the group. (Class-1A)

[And I have limited information about the Fantasy AU so, can you all send some info here?

That way if you want a different on I will be able to let more characters be seen.]

Requested by: <[Uh sorry, who requested this? I can't find the request on the 1st author's message. Please tell so I can place it here.

And for those who want to request please do it in the 1st author's message chapter. ]>

Deep in the forest and hidden in the moutain lays the territory of the dragons. But further beyond their are places yet to be discovered, but with so many trials to face.


Lagging behind the group Katsuki groaned in annoyance. His red haired companion from the group, Kirishima tried to get Katsuki excited for the quest they are on.

"Ah, come on Katsuki!" A pink skin and haired creature tried to encourage; Ashido.

"Yeah, yeah, Katsuki, you look like a walking corpse." Teased an onix haired male who doesn't have much special features and looked plain; Sero.

"Shut up idiots! This is just lousy!" Katsuki scowled looking away from the people near him.

Looking into the bushes he noticed a shuffle and with that a shadow. He narrowed his eyes with caution as he watch the shadow fled when found out they were noticed.

"—kugo... Bakugo can you hear me..!?" Kirishima yelled making the blonde pull away irritatedly.

"What fuck are you bastards doing?!"

"We made it to the gates, hurry up!"

Taking one last look towards the greenery behind Katsuki walked back towards his group who called him over.

Upon entering the group were meet with a nearly desserted town.

"The village looked like a ghost town.." commented a green haired individual; Midoriya.

"Huh? Where is everyone?" A brown haired mage; Uraraka, asked worriedly.

"Hiding." A young boy spoke catching the groups attention.

The boy had white hair and yellow feeline eyes. He leaned on the spear as if he were a guard.

"Hiding? From what?" The night with dark blue hair; Iida asked.

"From the dragon." He replied catching interest from some folks in the group.

"Dragon?" A twin color haired prince repeated in interest.

"Mhm, a warlock of not so good intent, came into town one day, it was bad timing since it was a festival that day and the streets were crowded. For some unknown reason he threw a fit and lots of crap came down.." the boy hopped of the wall and stood in front of the travelers.

"A lot people perished that day and to follow up, the warlock left a dragon to terrorize us for the rest of our lives." Finishing he turned to walk away.

"W-Wait a sec, is there a place that we may stay?" A fullset of floating clothes spoke; Hagakure, asked.

"I am leading you to the tavern." He say without turning back.

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