Chapter 14.5

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Right after lunch you guys spent the whole afternoon having fun all day. Like having water fights, watching movies, pillow fights. Yeah Katsuki forgot all about not wanting to do anything about the whole 'I am too old for this stuff' and just had fun.

Now its night time and your parents are fast asleep.

Katsuki half tired carried your sleepy form up the stairs. "Hey... Big brother–" you yawned loudly making the boy smirk in amusement.

"'Hey big brother' what?" He teased making you grumbled and lightly hit his shoulder.

"D-Do you enjoy today..?" You asked softly looking into his shoulder not wanting to glance to his face scared.

The boy stopped feeling you tremble in his hold. He blinked indifferently and turned his head to you before looking away.

"Eh, its not busting people's ass up but I guess it beats sitting around all day."

Katsuki joked off bouncing you in his arms making you giggle and laugh. Entering your room he lightly tossed you into the sheets laughing as you struggle to untangle yourself.

"H-Hey..!" You pouted but he just ruffle you hair.

"Well you better sleep or you will miss the sun." Katsuki mused and turned away to head to sleep until you grasped his sleeves.

"W-Wait..!" You piped and hopped off the bed and waddled in front of him. You quickly took out an envelope and gave it to him before your quickly jumped under the sheets and tuck yourself in.

Katsuki blinked in surprise and looked down at the card opening it. His eyes widen a milliliter as he read what was written.

He looked back at your 'sleeping' form and sighed in amusement.


"Y-Yes!?" You sat up the second he called you with anticipation. With a flick of his wrist he threw you a mediums to small wrapped box.

"W-What's this..?" You asked surprised.

"You never had a birthday, right? If you want today can be yours too, I don't really fucking care.." Katsuki spoke walking to the door.

You grinned at the box and smiled at Katsuki's leaving.

"I have the coolest brother ever.."

You said happily as you looked at the opened box which held a some goggles and thick gloves. You blinked and smiled happily.

It wasn't much, but you love it, cause it came from Katsuki.

Yay! Bonus chappie! Happy advance/belated birthday to you readers! Thank you for all your comments, support and votes!

For all who is excited for the story to soon shift to the series no worries! After a chapter or two...three..four..somewhere more, I will then add you guys in the original series.

But remember, you guys are not gonna be in all the parts sadly cause you'd be 4-5 then... But don't worry, you will have your spot light.


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