Chapter 37: UA Sports Festival

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The next day, you were woken up by your brother who held a smirk on his face.

Wet from the bucket of water he had dumped on you, you angrily shouted at him who snickered at your frustration dumping the bucket on your head with a shit-eating grin plastered on his lips.

"Oh.. I am gonna kill you.." You growled lifting the bucket so that you can give Katsuki a ferocious glare. One that may match up to his own.

Katsuki was slightly taken back from the glare since you never even gave or use it before. For the entire time you had been in his house, never had he seen a glare like that on your face before.

To be honest... It sent a shiver down his spine similar from back at the USJ where he met eyes with the large creature.

Shrugging off the feeling, Katsuki smirked knowingly making you tilt your head in confusion.

"What?" You asked squeezing the water out of your hair.

"What day is it today?" Katsuki asked never faltering his smirk.

You let out a hum, looking around your room to help hint out what today was. That was when your eyes caught sight of Katsuki's uniform. You immediately jumped to your feet on your soggy bed.

"It's the sports festival!" You cheered.

"Yeah, now hurry up and get dressed or I am leaving your ass here and leave without you."


"You wait till I am done!" You yelled pointing at him while you walk backward to the door, saying nothing for the fact you fell off the bed or the fact you tried to go through a closed door.


"Furball's nanny texted me the seat number," Katsuki grunted with a bored face eying his cellphone screen. "Think you could get there without  causing a scene?"

Giving a pause from observing the large stadium and land, you tilted your head with an 'innocent' look in your features.

"Define 'causing a scene'?"

"You little shit, I will pummel you—"

"Okay, I get it. Bye! Good luck with your sports festival!" Katsuki yelled angrily at your quick departure, grumbling to himself if bringing you was a mistake.

"Yo, Bakugo, who was that—"

"None of your concerns hair for brains!!" The redhead jumped in surprise holding a nervous smile. Scaring a few more of his classmates along with the male.

In the crowd of Class A student was a greenhead male who held a shocked gaze as he recognizes your back. Unfortunately, he didn't see you with Katsuki.

He was more concerned that the information you knew from before he came to UA.

He didn't want to immediately think you'd spill events all willy-nilly without a filter, but you are still a child, he knows you're known as a loud and active individual

Seeing you were still at the entrance, he thought of approaching you before you head in. But after a few steps, a deep voice called him. "Midoriya, this way to the waiting room!" The tall male with spectacles announce.

"U-Uh..! Yeah!"

Deciding to halt the idea of approaching you now, Izuku decided to head to his group for now.

Unbeknownst to him, red eyes follow his form. It all started when Katsuki noticed Izuku was about to approach in you or it was probably his imagination, but the thought of Izuku approaching you somehow sparked something in Katsuki.

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