Cheer or Me?

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-Demi's P.O.V.-

I saw Y/N walking down the hallway and damn. I said I wouldn't anymore, but I had to. I wolf-whistled at her and she turned around looking angry. Angry is sexy on her. I smirked as she caught my eye. I knew she was bi and everyone knew about that, and I was lesbian, just no one knew about that. The bell rung and all my friends sped off so I sped off and tried finding Y/N. I grabbed her arm and I felt her tense. I pulled her into an abandoned bathroom. Wow. Now I just noticed how creepy my school really is.

"Hey." I said, trying to sound as seductive as I could.

"Hello..." She replied awkwardly. I giggled a little. She was cute.

"You know, I've been having my eye on you for a while now and I want to get to know you better. So here's my number. Call me, babe." I got straight to the point, wrote my number down on her arm, and walked out the bathroom. As the day ended, I went home seeing that we had no cheer practice tonight. I waited all day for her to call me. At around 6, she finally called me and set up a date to go see a movie. I dressed casual, but warm. We drove to the movies and we see the theater, looking so warm. She gets out after stopping her car and opens my door. I walked up to her and she smiled.

"Hey, lets go in." She said. I walked in with her and we saw Maleficent. I never knew she was into this kinda thing and it was good to know. After the movie, I got back into her car and she drove me back home.

"I had a wonderful time, Y/N." I said. She smiled and says the same. Then she leans over and kisses me on the mouth. It was soft and simple. I was stunned that she was making all the moves, but I kissed her back.

"Will you be mine?" She asks, after pulling away. I nod and she smiles huge. She kissed me again, more passionately.

~Sometime Later~

Y/N and I have been dating for 4 months and 3 days now. I told her that I was in the closet. She was okay with that, and I was glad because I didn't want to lose my position on the cheer team. Oops.. Right now, I was at her house and we were in a heated make out session. Her hands were all over me, and I was not protesting. I guess you can say that I was really enjoying this make out. She suddenly pulled away, much to my disappointment.

"Dems, why are you in the closet?" Y/N asked me. I sighed heavily. I knew this was going to come up sooner or later.

"Because I don't want people to judge me. I can't be seen with you in public. People will judge me and most likely kick me off the cheer leading team. I can't have that." I said sadly. Oh. Shit. I did not just say that. Y/N got up and scoffed.

"So, cheer leading is more important to you than me, huh?" She asked angrily.

"No, it's just-"

"Save it Demetria, I'm out of here." She grabbed her things and left. I yelled out her name, but she never stopped walking. When she left my sight, I broke down in tears. Why did I say that?

~Sometime Later.. Again.~

Today was the big pep rally. Yay. Note the sarcasm there. Tonight was the homecoming game and dance. I knew Y/N would be there because she's a football player. It's kinda cool how she's better than all the boys on her team. It's been two months and 3 days that we've been broken up. I sighed and prayed that this would be over soon. Everyone was meant to go to the gym for the assembly. As I'm sitting down, Megan is trying to talk to me about something, but I tuned her out and focused on the people walking into the assembly. Y/N and I met eyes, but she turned her head and started to joke with Christian. I was so sad and I was about to cry hard. I looked at her in a pleading way, and hoped that she'd turn around, but she didn't. I watch her take a seat on the bleachers and everyone is being all happy and cheerful and I just sat there. As we were performing, you can tell that I had a fake smile on. After we performed, I ran up grabbed the mic from Jasmine.

"I can't take this anymore!" I yelled crying.

"Take what?" Lily asks.

"I'm sorry, Y/N! I'm really sorry! I don't care about the cheer team anymore! I don't care about my reputation! I love you and I want to be with you! I just want you!" I announced that to the entire school. Everyone started to cheer and people started to nudge Y/N to come and get me. The tears fell down my face as our eyes met once more and she embraced me with a huge kiss.


Ahhhh! Hercules is on! All part of being a Disney Geek. This is AMAZING! And I hope you liked the update!

Demi Imagines (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now