Gone, Gone, Gone

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Your lives = Gonna be ruined. (I needed a break from You Don't Do It For Me Anymore, so here's a new, completely unrelated imagine for you all!)


-Demi's P.O.V.-

I sat on a stool as I took a drink from my water bottle. I peered out at the thousands of fans and waved to a few.

"So, as you guys know, there is someone very special in my life," I began. I giggled as my Lovatics screamed.

"And I have been struggling on what to say to them." I put the cap on my bottle and set it on the ground.

"I'm not good with my feelings unless I'm alone, and even then there's a ninety percent chance that I will just end up overthinking." I laughed a little at myself before continuing.

"However, when I was on my way to this beautiful place," screams filled the arena. "A song came on and I knew that this was the one I wanted to cover tonight because this tells that person exactly how I feel." I grabbed my guitar from one of the stage hands and put it around me.

"If you guys know this song, sing along!" I smiled and when the lights dimmed, I started playing.

When life leaves you high and dry
I'll be at your door tonight
If you need help, if you need help.


"Fuck!" I cursed as a box started slipping out of my grasp. I had just recently moved into a new house and I was trying to be independent and move on my own. Unfortunately, I'm short and I have short arms and I picked up way too many.

"I got it." A voice said, arms catching the box before it fell on the pavement. I just walked inside the house, the person following. I set down my boxes and then looked at the mystery hero.

"Thank you." I smiled wide. The girl then suddenly looked up and grinned at me, setting the box down.

"No problem. You looked like you needed a little help." I smiled bashfully and ducked my head.

"Well, short people have it rough sometimes." The most beautiful laugh filled my ears and I found myself smiling once more.

"Well, come on. I'll help with the rest if you'd like." I nodded.

"Let's do this!"


I'll shut down the city lights,
I'll lie, cheat, I'll beg and bribe
To make you well, to make you well.


"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned as the power went out. I didn't think the storm was that bad. I sighed and blindly searched for my phone. When I found it, I turned on the flashlight and looked at Y/N, who was still eating next to me.

"Really?" Y/N's mouth was full of popcorn and she looked like a dog who ate too much of what it wasn't supposed to and had suddenly been caught.

"What? I'm trying to make the best of this." She mumbled as she swallowed.

"Help me look for candles." I stood up and Y/N nodded, placing the bowl on the coffee table and standing up.

"Demi, can I hold your hand?" She suddenly asked. I stopped in my tracks.

"I'm a bit scared of the dark.." I giggled and held my hand out for her. She took it gratefully and I smiled as I led us upstairs. I had been growing feelings for the older girl. Ever since she saved my precious mugs from shattering on my driveway, I knew I was going to have a hard time staying away from her. Her holding my hand just sealed my fate. The way my hands would get clammy immediately and I began to silently hope she wouldn't pull away, I knew I liked her. Suddenly, Y/N dropped my hand and went straight into my supply closet when I brought us closer. She gathered candles in her arms.

Demi Imagines (Lesbian)Where stories live. Discover now